Made Some Banana Turon with Cheese with Mama <3

Last weekend, we had some banana saba and leftover cheese at home, so we decided to buy some lumpia wrapper and make banana turon with cheese. Originally, we also wanted to put some jackfruit in it since it'll be a perfect combination, but we couldn't find any jackfruit in our area... so we had to make use of what's available. :)


It's crispy on the outside and super yummy on the inside.

Let's start with the preparation!


We only need to prepare some sliced banana saba/cardava, cheese, lumpia wrapper and some water to stick the lumpia wrapper.

Let's start wrapping!!!







The wrapping and preparation are done, so my part is also done. Mama would do the frying because I hate it. hahaha Really I'm scared of cooking oil splashing onto my skin... it's too painful. So, I'd stick with the preparation part... or if I really need to cook, it'd be anything but frying. Ohh, I'm ok with sautéing, though.

If ever I fry anything, I'd need a lot of protection. lol Anyway, it's frying time!




You can take them out once they're golden brown, but mama likes them darker, so she kept some of them in the oil much longer. haha Here are some of them.



Don't they look so yummy and crispy? We gave out some of them to some of our neighbors because we won't be able to finish everything. Re-heating it wouldn't work well because the wrapper would be soggy, so it wouldn't be as delicious. They're much better eaten immediately after... well, after a few minutes when it isn't too hot anymore. haha



I sliced one of them to show you how it looks like inside. However, we can just munch on it as it is. :)

Usually, people also sprinkle it with sugar while it's hot to add flavor, but we don't like it to be very sweet. The banana itself is already sweet while the wrapper and cheese are a bit salty, so the combination really works well. I really hope we had some jackfruit, though. It'll make this even better.

This is usually eaten as snacks in the Philippines, but I also like eating it as a dessert... quite a heavy one at that. haha

Let's eat!!!

See you around as I have to get back to my classes! <3

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