Flavors From Around The World: Ristorante La Nuova Piazzetta 🍝 Near Colosseum And Roman Forum

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is a phrase we've used figuratively before, so imagine our excitement using the expression literally when we were really visiting the famous Italian city Roma. Staying in Rome for only a couple of days, it's more than likely that we didn't get accustomed to the Roman way of life. That didn't deter us from trying some of the food they're famous for though.


On the day that we were visiting the Colosseum and the Roman forum, we knew that there was enough to see to fill a whole day, so we planned to eat lunch in between some of the sites. There were a few online recommendations near the landmarks to try, but seeing the long lines in front of those spots made us look for an alternative eatery.



Ristorante La Nuova Piazzetta appeared to be the best substitute, being in walking distance from the sites and the menu being in our price range. The ambiance was romantic, warm and cozy. Even though the place was packed, it wasn't noisy and the service was helpful and timely.




To recharge one of us ordered an espresso, which offered the needed kick. For lunch we ordered a lasagna and a salmon pasta. The salmon pasta was the right amount of al dente, was creamy and rich and the lasagna was savory, tangy and packed a punch of flavors. Usually my flavor profile prefers creamy tastes, but I almost didn't want to share my lasagna because of the well balanced strong flavors. We also appreciated the plating, especially the uniquely designed porcelain.


With our hunger stilled we were ready to proceed exploring the landmarks. Though Piazzetta fell into our price range it was on the higher side of our budget, thus falling in the category of experiencing once. What foods do you consume in between sight seeing? Let me know in the comments below 🤓.

Chasse into the backstage! 💃


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