Coffee Fanatic Tries out a New Drink ☕️ Matcha Ginger Latte

Today I tried something new and that is consciously drinking something other than coffee in the morning and even if I "craved" that bitter roasted taste of coffee I didn't make a cup. Usually when I miss my morning coffee, I make a cup in the afternoon or in the evening; my rule is to only drink one cup of coffee per day and I didn't even do that. Does that qualify as a "win"? 😅😊


But back to this morning. The new thing that I had tried out today in the place of coffee, was a warm rich sweet tea: Instant Matcha Ginger Latte to be exact. We got the box send to us from an aunt and first I assumed it was coffee mixed with ginger and matcha flavors, because I saw "latte" on the package, until I read the descriptions this morning. I was a bit bummed that it wasn't what I had thought, but opted to go ahead with what I had planned anyway, because I had already opened the package and because I'm the kind of person who when already having something set in her mind has to go through with it (yeah, you may call me stubborn sometimes 😅😂).


I then read and followed the instructions to a t (pun intended 🙃) and sipped that warm drink. I have had green tea and ginger tea before, so it was a familiar taste. The only differences were the milk (as in latte, which brought the confusion) and the amount of sweetness, to which I needed to get used to. The sporadic occasions when I have tea I don't put sugar in it, so I've gotten accustomed to sugarless tea. But all in all it was nice, rich and gave me a comforting feeling. I will put more water in next time though, to mask the sweetness 😅.


That was me trying out a new drink today. Do you have any other drinks to recommend for me? Let me know in the comments below 😊.

Chasse into the backstage! 💃

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