TacoCat's TrEats #124: Nomnom-ing Non-Meat Burgers? 🍔


Hey Hive!

Now that a lot of people here have already gotten vaccinated, I'm very happy to hear that Singapore is now allowing in-house dining again, but up to 2 people and obviously you have to be vaccinated. But at least this allows us to try out different restaurants again!

So the other day we decided to check out the new mall that just opened up nearby, called Woods Square! It's a combination of two commercial buildings and a mall which includes a whole bunch of restaurants both indoors and outdoors and even an underground supermarket! This is what the whole place looks like and it actually looks pretty impressive!


Source: fareast

Woods Square is the actual mall but there are a lot of small restaurants on the ground floor outside too, in the "courtyard" area that looks like this:


Source: singaporeofficespaces

Unfortunately it was raining at the time and it's pretty dark outside so I couldn't take pictures of the surrounding area. But there is a variety of restaurants, cafes, and even bars all under the office buildings. And one of them was this vegetarian burger place called nomVnom Xpress!


We've never tried this place before but the prices seemed pretty reasonable, and I was in the mood for a burger, so we decided why not!

The place itself was pretty small, and was probably designed mainly for takeaways and deliveries but there were 2 small tables inside the restaurant and a little counter for the cashier. The ceiling was really high though for some reason. But it was cozy and comfortable nonetheless.

This was the counter and they even had a couple of different snacks and noodles that you could purchase too:


This was the menu, which included different types of burgers and sides, and even bubble teas, rice and noodles!


All the burgers looked pretty tasty and I decided to try one of the signature burgers, the Lion's Mane Truffle! While Sean wanted to try something more local, and went for the Temptation Satay since we didn't want both mushroom burgers and he doesn't like fish.

They have a combo set meal which includes a side and a drink for $2 off so we ordered 1 set and 1 burger a la carte.


Oddly enough, we actually didn't realise this place was vegetarian at the time until we saw this sign they had on the wall:


I just assumed that the patty I was going to get was going to be either chicken or beef. But when I saw they didn't serve meat, it made me curious to find out what our patties were going to be and how it would taste.

We got served our sides first and we chose Sweet Potato Fries and Sean got Wintermelon with Aloe Vera bubble tea. Turns out this restaurant has a partnership with a bubble tea shop called Mong Cha Cha, and their cups look so cute! I don't think we've tried their drinks before but it was pretty nice and refreshing.


The sweet potato fries were actually really good! They were warm and fresh, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside with just a little bit of salt. Personally I would've liked it to be a bit more salty since it's sweet potato but the chili sauce complimented it pretty well.


After about 10 minutes or so, we received our burgers, nicely wrapped and everything!


We were pretty hungry and after a couple of photos, we started to tuck in!


I unwrapped my Lion's Mane Truffle burger first, and it looked just like any other chicken burger. The truffle aroma was pretty strong though, but it smelled delicious!


And tbh it tasted like a chicken patty; maybe just a little different? But the mix of the truffle and mayo matched so well with the patty too that it drew focus away from it. The patty itself was also fried to crispy perfection and was pretty yummy despite not being actual chicken. I think it had beans in it but there wasn't a strong bean taste. Overall, it was super scrumptious and the truffle didn't overpower the burger like other truffle burgers I've had.

After a couple of bites, we swapped burgers and I got to try Sean's Temptation Satay burger! He initially wanted the Otah burger but they were sold out unfortunately.


I'm sure everyone had heard of or tasted satay before but it's basically skewered meat that you could dip in peanut sauce. And while the non-meat taste of the satay was stronger and definitely more "beany", the peanut sauce taste was definitely legit. It wasn't spicy, but it was good and matched the "satay" pretty well!


Overall, I think I liked the Lion's Mane Truffle burger better. Personally I never eat truffle other than in burgers but thankfully it wasn't so overpowering. And I'm surprised with how well it tasted since it was made of non-meat. Usually, vegetarian food is more expensive but these burgers were pretty affordable too!


They have outlets in town and in the east too so if you wanna give it a try, or if you're vegetarian and are in the mood for burgers, try nomVnom!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

<a href=https://hive.blog/hive-120586/@taco.cat/tacocat-s-treats-123-first-time-trying-filipino-food-live'>TacoCat's TrEats #123: First Time Trying Filipino Food, LIVE! 😋

Posted via foodiesunite.net

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