[KNIVES UP!!!] Chef Straykat Cooks No.3: Dumpling Milky Noodle Soup

Welcome to Chef Straykat Cooks! Where I cook whatever comes to mind with whatever ingredients available! Sounds like disaster, isn't it? No, no, no! This recipe was tested and tasted by no less than the chef's exquisite palate!

ā—ā—ā— KNIVES UP!!!šŸ”ŖāœØļø



It's a gloomy and rainy day in the Philippines, a perfect time to indulge on a bowl of bone marrow soup, chocolate porridge, and chicken noodle soup! But your chef came unprepared for the visit of a super typhoon and so I am left with no choice but to use whatever ingredients are left in the kitchen. Luckily, I still have some pasta and a can of evaporated milk hiding in the cupboard. These are the main ingredients to make a Filipino noodle soup so I went and pushed through making the soup.

The Filipino milky noodle soup uses elbow or macaroni pasta with a rich milky soup with shredded chicken meat and slices of carrots, cabbage, and celery. You can also add boiled chicken eggs or quail eggs to complete the soup. This is perfect when served hot.

I remember milky noodle soup being sold in our school canteen back in high school. It becomes more delicious when you eat it on a rainy day. If I remember it right, a bowl of it costs Php 10 (0.18 USD) and additional Php 5 or 7 (0.092 to 0.13 USD) for boiled chicken egg. My mama also makes delicious milky noodle soup. I miss it a lot, honestly.

Well, for now it's time for my own version..and with incomplete ingredients. I promise the taste is still on par with the usual noodle soup! Also, I don't have chicken meat available so I used pork dumplings as an alternative.


1 Cup Macaroni Pasta
3 Cups Water
360 ml Evaporated Milk
1 Tbsp. Butter
3 Cloves Garlic
2 Hotdog (sliced)
5 Pork Dumplings
1/2 Cup Carrots (diced)
1 Chicken Broth Cube (flavoring)
3 Boiled Chicken Eggs
3 Slices of Cheddar Cheese (diced)
Tarragon Leaves (optional)


1.Boil eggs and remove the shell. Set aside.

2.Put butter on pot and saute garlic, hotdog, and dumplings. Add a pinch of thyme and mix. 5 pieces of dumplings isn't enough so I added slices of hotdog. :)


3.Add water and bring to a boil.


4.Throw in the carrots, chicken broth cube, and pasta. Stir and boil for 8 minutes. Stir occasionally.


5.Pour the evaporated milk and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.


6.Then add salt and pepper to taste, and a dash of nutmeg. You can add 1/2 to 1 cup of water if you see there is not enough liquid.


7.Add cheese and boiled eggs. Put some in a bowl and sprinkle tarragon leaves just for some green color. Lol. This is optional. Serve and enjoy!


ā™” This recipe makes 3 servings. ā™”



Chef Straykat survived the incomplete milky noodle soup. It still tastes great to be honest. This was my second try making this soup. The first try was a complete fail and tasted weird because I didn't have enough evaporated milk and so I added powdered milk. Oh boy, it was an instant regret adding powdered milk! Now I know how to properly make it. :)

You should definitely try making this soup if you still haven't tried it. The perfect soup for a rainy and slow day.

Thank you!!!

Chef Straykat has an experience of more than a year in her family's kitchen. Her goal is to deliciously cook whatever dish crosses her mind; to cook fast and without using measuring tools because that's how chefs do it.
In short, Straykat is a self-proclaimed chef. xoxo šŸ¤ŒāœØļø

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