Dried stuffed eggplant with sour and olive oil



Hello my dear friends,

How are you today? A busy working day is waiting for me. I'm very busy because my bosses are traveling abroad. All work is left to me. I'm trying to deal with accounting. But cash calculations are quite difficult. Fortunately, the ordeal is ending tomorrow. I hope my work will be easier now and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, I shared an excitement with you at night during this intensive process. I am now in the cryptoart world. I will share my work from here. I hope I will be appreciated by you. This is very important to me. If you haven't seen my previous post, I would be happy to check it out.

I saw a lot of eggplant recipes today. I am not a person who likes eggplant. My favorite eggplant recipes are limited. That's why I'm going to share my favorite version of eggplant for you today. I can say that stuffed dried eggplant is my biggest weakness. I think it is a good recipe for you. I hope you will like it. My photos are a little bad because of the bad light. So sorry. If you wish, let's go to the details of the recipe immediately. I guess my mouth will be watering even when writing the recipe!


Ingredients for dry stuffed eggplant,

•20 dried eggplants
•1 glass of rice
•2 onions
•4 garlic
•1 tablespoon of pomegranate syrup
•2 tablespoons tomato paste
•2 tablespoons of dried mint
•1 teaspoon of sumac
•1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
•1 teaspoon of chili pepper
•1 teaspoon salt
•1 tablespoon of sugar
•1 tea glass of olive oil


We throw 20 dried eggplants into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes until they are soft. We filter the softened dried eggplants and take them out of the water.





We heat the olive oil in the pot. We add the chopped onions to the pot and start sauteing. When the onions soften a little, we add the garlic and tomato paste. After the tomato paste is roasted, we add the washed rice and continue the roasting process. Add 1.5 cups of hot water, close the lid of the pot and cook until the rice has absorbed the water. After the rice is drained, we add the spices and parsley.


Then, we fill the dry eggplants with a rice filling that we have prepared, leaving a 1 cm gap.


We put the stuffed eggplants in the pot. We add water and pomegranate syrup on it. We cover the pot and cook over medium heat until it starts to boil. After it starts to boil, we turn down the heat and leave it to cook for another 30 minutes. After the stuffed are cooked, we take them from the stove. You can be served warm or cold.


Bon Appetit!


I am happy to share my favorite eggplant recipe with you. My mouth watered a lot while explaining the recipe. I think I'll cook dried eggplant stuffed again as soon as possible. I never get tired of eating stuffed eggplant. I hope you like my recipe too. see you in the next post. Take care of yourselves.

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