Food are that which contains all nutritional value required we take adequately in other to satisfy us. The above definition is mine and I would like to through more light on it.
As a Nutritionist and Dietitian in the Making I have come to release that we can't just keep eating and eating we need to consume food adequately. Our food needs to contain quite number of nutritional value if not all. We eat not only for consumption but we consume food in right proportion, at the right moment for healthy Living.

Nutrition is one of the things people neglect but it has a great role in Health yeah there are many relationship between nutrition and health. food has its functions in the human body which I would explain some of them here.


Food helps us to stay healthy and and fight against infections:it helps the body system immensely to function well build antibodies which fight diseases in our body system.

Food helps the body in building new Cell and Tissues for growth: Foods like protein also known as body builders helps our body in building new cells and tissues. We grow daily and food is one of the factor that helps us in growth.

  Food Gives us Energy: foods like carbohydrates also known as energy giving food helps in playing a great role in providing the body system with essential energy needed to carry out it's day to day activities.

  Food helps us to stay healthy and active:When we eat food we stay healthy. food plays a great role in good health. when we eat good food It make us active in our activities, help us to work that is perform duties. When we are we lack food like protein in our body we have kwashiorkor and carbohydrates deficiency Can be getting tired easily, lack of concentration e.t.c , everything should be consumed in moderation because too much is a problem likewise too much consumption of fatty foods may lead to obesity.

  Always plan your menu ahead and eat when you are hungry not when tired or anxious, moreso try and replace your bad eating habits with a good and new healthy one.

I hope you grab a thing in my post stay Blessed.
Below is my Breakfast


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