Pork Ribs, My Way!

Let us cook pork ribs!

You will need these ingredients: 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 2 eggs.

Put the pork ribs into a mixing bowl. Add salt...

and pepper. Turn the ribs so that you can do the same on the other side.

Season it with salt and pepper. Then add the flour.

Then the cornstarch, and baking powder.

Add the two eggs, and mix!

Mix it thoroughly till it looks like this! Heat up the oil.

When oil is hot add the pork ribs one at a time, in two seconds intervals, until you have placed all the meat.

Fry the rib for about five minutes, and the stir.

Continue cooking for another 5 minutes, and then give it another stir. Continue cooking until done.

Lift the cooked Pork Ribs on to a wire basket to drain.

And it is ready to be served! You can serve it with any sauce you like!

YUM! Pork Ribs... my way!

😍#ilikeitalot!!! 😍

All photos, gif and videos were taken by me using my iPhone6 unless specified otherwise.

Make it an awesome day!

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Hugs and Kisses πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™!!!!


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