
Last Sunday, I had two of my friends over. Since it was a last-minute thing, I decided to go to Costco and buy the easiest entree to prepare!

I got is some Dungenees Crabs!

I made 2 dips: Onions & Vinegar, and Melted Butter. And of course some slice lemons.

The main entree.

I also made GarlickyPasta and Roasted Pork Belly.

Let us eat!

At this point, I put down my camera phone and started eating. We ate two crabs each with gusto! We had so much fun conversing over such a simple meal!

Life is good!

😍 #ilikeitalot!😍

Make it an awesome day!

Thank you for stopping by to view this article. I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™!!!!


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