Sweet Mung Bean Soup

Good morning Ecency friends, how are you today? May you always be healthy and keep the spirit!

Today I want to share a recipe for making a simple meal, it tastes good, can be full and is nutritious, namely Sweet Mung Bean Soup . Just take a look at the ingredients and how to make it as below :

Materials :

  • kilogram of mung beans, washed 2 times
  • Sugar a few tablespoons (to taste)
  • 1-2 packs of instant coconut milk (eg "Sasa" brand)
  • 2-3 pandan leaves, wash thoroughly
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 liter of clean water to boil mung beans 2

  • Soak the mung beans for a few hours, so that they bloom.

  • Boil the mung beans for about 20 minutes or until the green beans are tender. Just give a little salt, add sugar, mix well.

Once the mung beans are tender, reduce the heat. Pour in the instant coconut milk and mix well for a few minutes.

Sweet mung bean soup is cooked, taste it. Turn off the stove, lift.

Transfer the sweet mung Bean soup to a bowl. Sweet mung bean soup is ready to be served warm. Can be enjoyed with additional white bread if you like.

Thus a simple recipe for cooking sweet mung bean soup. Breakfast is delicious, healthy, nutritious and makes you full. Good luck.

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