Sauteed Eggplant In Green Chili Sauce

Good evening Ecency friends, how are you? I hope tonight is a good weekend for you. Tonight I want to share my simple recipe, namely Sauteed Eggplant In Green Chili Sauce of the dishes that is suitable to be enjoyed with warm rice, the combination of sweet taste from eggplant, savory from anchovies and spicy from chili seasoning, makes eating more appetizing.

The following are some photos, ingredients and how to cook it:

Sauteed Eggplant In Green Chili Sauce

Materials :

  • 2 eggplants (washed and cut into pieces according to taste)

  • 5 pieces of white tofu (flush with warm water, cut into cubes like dice and then fry until golden brown.
  • 1 ounce salted fish (eg anchovies), wash under running water

  • 5 red onions, peeled, washed and then roughly chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, peeled, washed, coarsely chopped
  • 15 green chilies, remove the stalks, wash and cut into pieces
  • 1 spring onion, cleaned, chopped - 2-3 bay leaves, wash
  • Salt to taste

  • Chicken flavored powdered broth, for example "Masako" brand (optional)
  • Cup boiled water
  • Enough cooking oil for frying

How to make :

  • Put the onion, garlic, green chili into the blender, give enough boiled water. Then blend for 1-2 minutes.

  • Finish blending, pour the green chili seasoning into bowl

  • Prepare a frying pan, pour enough cooking oil. Saute the spices that have been mashed until fragrant, mix well.

  • Add chopped onions, mix well. Saute green chili seasoning until it turns thick.

  • Add the eggplant pieces, stir gently.

  • Add anchovies that have been cut into two parts. Stir gently until smooth.

  • Add bay leaf for a fragrant aroma. Stir slowly.

  • Finally, add the fried white tofu pieces, stir gently until smooth. Don't forget to add salt to taste and chicken stock powder (if you like). Stir slowly, cook until the spices absorb or less water. Taste it.
  • Turn off the stove, remove the pan..
  • Pour the stir-fried green chili seasoning eggplant into a bowl.
  • Serve with warm rice.
  • Good luck trying my simple recipe, sauteed eggplant in green chili sauce.
    Thank you for dropping by at my post, good night and happy weekend. Have a nice day.
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