Perkedel Kentang (Potato Cutlets)

Good afternoon Ecency friends, how are you today? Today I want to share a simple but delicious recipe for a snack to replace rice, namely Perkedel Kentang (potato cutlets).

Here is the recipe :

Perkedel Kentang (Potato Cutlets)

Ingredients :

  • ½ kg potatoes, cut into pieces according to taste

  • 1 sachet of corned beef (eg "Pronas" brand)

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tablespoon fried shallot or fried garlic (if you like)

  • ¼ teaspoon pepper

  • Broth powder

  • Salt to taste

  • Right amount of oil

How to Cook it :

  • Pour enough cooking oil, heat the pan. Fry the potatoes until soft and golden brown in color.

  • Move the fried potatoes to a bowl.

  • Prepare a food masher. Then mash the french fries.

  • Add a spoonful of fried onions, it can be fried shallots or fried garlic. (Optional)

  • Add salt, pepper and broth powder to taste. Stir well.

  • Additional one sachet of corned beef. Stir well.

  • take a tablespoon of potato dough that has been mashed earlier.

  • Shape into rounds and then flatten. Put it on a plate.

  • Beat eggs in a bowl, while heating the cooking oil in a frying pan.

  • Dip one by one the potato dough that has been shaped into a flat round.

  • Fry the potato dough that have been dipped in the beaten egg. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. Lift and drain.

  • Place the potato cutlets on a plate that has been lined with tissue, so that the cooking oil is absorbed.

  • Potato cutlets are ready to be served with additional chili sauce if you like.

Thank you for visiting my simple post, good luck trying the recipe.

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