Punjabi Kadhi Pakora Recipe

Hello All Food Lovers,

In India, Kadhi is a very versatile dish. It is found with different flavors and taste in different regions of India. Like Gujrati Kadhi is little sweet, sindhi Kadhi has lot of Vegetables, while Authentic Punjabi Kadhi is little sour and made with Fritters (Pakodas).

Here I am sharing the recipe for Punjabi Kadhi with Pakora.

Usually it is served with boiled/Jira rice but it also depends on personal choice or taste.


Ingredients for Kadhi:

  1. Gram Flour/Besan (2 cups)- Sieved
  2. ½ kg Plant based sour curd/yogurt- Finely whisked
  3. Tamarind (Optional)
  4. Vegetable/ Mustard oil
  5. Onions, 2 medium sized-Finely chopped and 1medium sized-juliennes
  6. Garlic (6-7 cloves) and Ginger (1/2 inch)- Finely chopped
  7. Green chillies- 2 or 3-Finely chopped (Optional)
  8. Fenugreek seeds-1 Tsp
  9. Carom seeds – 1 Tsp
  10. Cumin seeds – 1Tsp
  11. Dried red chillies-2 or 3
  12. Turmeric powder- ¾ Tsp
  13. Salt and red chilly powder-As per taste
  14. Garam Masala- 1tsp
  15. Black Pepper- A pinch
  16. Asafoetida-A pinch
  17. Freshly cut coriander



  1. Gram flour/curd mixture swells up after heating so always use a big and deep pot.
  2. To make tamarind water, dissolve tamarind in warm water for 5-10 minutes. It will get soft and then crush it with hands in water and sieve it.


  • Mix Gram flour and whisked curd by gradually adding flour in small quantities. Add water to adjust the flowing consistency and keep it aside.


  • Pour some oil in a pot, first of all add fenugreek seeds then carom and cumin seeds. Immediately add asafoetida and dried red chillies.
  • Now add ginger, garlic and onions and let them get brown.
  • Add turmeric powder, stir a little and then add red chilly powder, salt and garam masala.


  • Lower the flame to half and allow these spices to cook a little for about 1 minute.
  • Now add gram flour/curd mix slowly while stirring. Keep the flame low so that the curd does not coagulate. Stir it properly after the complete addition.


  • Increase the flame now and it will start swelling up immediately so keep adding water in small amounts until it gets flowing consistency. Let it cook open and don not cover the pot.
  • After the first boil, cover it properly and let it cook for about 30 minutes on medium flame. Keep checking its consistency intermittently and add water until the flowing consistency is achieved at any stage.


Caution: It has a tendency to stick to the bottom of pot, so keep stirring intermittently to avoid that.

  • After being cooked for 30 minutes, check the sourness. If you want to increase the level of sourness, add tamarind water.
  • If you add tamarind water, let it cook for another 5-10 minutes. If not, you can switch off the flame and garnish it with freshly cut coriander.

Pakora/Fritters Ingredients:

  1. Onions (2 or 3 medium sized)- Juliennes
  2. Green chilly and ginger paste- As per taste
  3. Chick pea flour/Gram flour/Besan - Approx to dry cover the cut onions
  4. Salt and red chilly powder- As per taste
  5. Turmeric powder- ½ Tsp
  6. Dry Mango powder- ½ Tsp
  7. Dry Fenugreek leaves- As per need
  8. Vegetable/Mustard oil- For deep frying


  • Dry coat the cut onions with gram flour as shown below:


  • Add all the spices and dry fenugreek leaves and mix well.
  • Add sufficient water to wet coat the onions properly and keep it aside for 5-10 minutes.
  • Heat sufficient oil in a pan for deep frying on full flame.
  • Once hot, lower the flame to medium level and add the onion mix with the help of spoon.


  • Fry them until golden brown and take it out on a napkin to absorb extra oil.


How to serve:

Add pakoras/fritters in Kadhi and let it wet for 5-10 minutes and serve with boiled rice.







Posted via foodiesunite.net

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