Bazukazo! | Mexican Candy Review


‘Sup foodies. This time I’m gonna dish about when I tried a Mexican snack by the name of Bazukazo (or maybe that’s just the brand name, I’m not sure).


It was a red candy on a hollow stick that seemed to be sprinkled in chili seasoning.

This snack was a tamarindo candy. ‘Tamarindo’ translates to tamarind in English. Tamarind is a type of sweet fruit that comes from Tamarind trees. The fruit is found inside a brown pod that looks similar to a pea pod. Tamarind has some health benefits, but that is a topic for another day.

Chili is a popular flavor to put on foods in Mexico, from chips, to candies, to ice cream (yes, ice cream, i’ve seen it!) so I wasn’t too surprised to see this candy had chili on top as well.

I used to be skittish about trying chili flavored candies and sweets when I wasn’t used to the combination, as I just never saw it back in the U.S.A., but after I tried some foods with it, I realized that the pairing was actually delicious!

My brother watched me closely with a worried yet curious face as I took a bite. It was a chewy candy. It tasted sweet and spicy at the same time.

The taste reminded me of those sweet and stretchy cherry-flavored candies I’ve had in the U.S., but with a layer of spicy chili on top. Overall, trying this candy was a fun and different experience that was the highlight of the day.

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