Coffee cream cake

Hello everyone!

Are you still looking for a delicious dessert for Mother's Day?

How about this delicious coffee cream cake, for example, consisting of a juicy coffee and chocolate sponge cake, filled with a butter cream cheese condensed milk cream and a nougat chocolate sprinkles core.

With this cake you can not only really spoil your mom!

I wish you lots of fun 🌞



Ingredients for the coffee biscuit:
  • 130 g cake flour
  • 90 g powdered sugar
  • 9 g baking powder
  • 0.5 tsp baking soda
  • 1 pinch of salt

  • 30 g dark chocolate

  • 150 ml soy milk

  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 tsp instant coffee

  • 60 g vegan butter

Ingredients for the coffee cream:
  • 3 teaspoons instant coffee
  • 1 tbsp hot water

  • 250g vegan butter
  • 120 g vegan cream cheese alternative
  • 150 g vegan coconut condensed milk

All ingredients for the cream should be at room temperature!

For the coffee syrup:

Mix 2.5 tsp instant coffee, 2 tsp sugar and 1.5 tbsp hot water and set aside.

For the nougat core:
  • 90 g nougat
  • 2 tbsp vegan whipped cream
  • 4 tbsp chocolate sprinkles

Preparation of coffee biscuit:

Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl.

Finely grate the chocolate and add to the dry, sifted ingredients.


Melt butter and let cool again.

Remove 100 ml from the milk and mix with the apple cider vinegar.

Heat the remaining 50 ml milk, dissolve the instant coffee in it and let it cool down again.

Add the vanilla extract and melted butter to the sour milk and stir.


Add the sour milk mixture and the coffee milk to the dry, sieved ingredients and mix with a whisk to form a smooth batter.


Divide the dough equally between the three baking molds and bake at 170° C for approx. 10-12 minutes (test with a skewer).

Take the cakes out of the oven and let them cool for about 10 minutes. Then turn out of the baking molds and let the cakes cool completely.


Preparation of coffee cream:

Mix instant coffee and hot water and allow to cool again.

Cream the butter in a bowl.

In another bowl, mix the cream cheese until soft and creamy.


Gradually add the condensed milk to the cream cheese and mix well again.

Gradually stir the cream cheese into the butter.

Finally stir in the dissolved coffee.


Preparation of the nougat core:

Melt the nougat over a water bath, add the cream and stir until everything is well combined.


Finish cake:

Moisten the first cake layer with the coffee syrup, this works best with a pastry brush.

Place one piece of cake on a cake plate and spread with approx. 2 tablespoons of coffee cream.


Spread half of the nougat mixture over the cream and sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles.

Place the second layer of cake on top and spread again with the cream, the nougat and the chocolate sprinkles.

Place the third cake plate on top and smooth the cake all over with cream.


Melt some dark chocolate and spread a few blobs all over the cake, then spread them with a pastry card to create a beautiful, rustic marbling.


Decorate the cake with the remaining cream as desired.






I wish you a beautiful weekend!

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