Homemade pancakes with fresh vegetables

Hello everyone, welcome to another beautiful week, and let me make use of this opportunity to say good morning to you all. Also, welcome to the Food Bee Hive community.

Today I will be preparing pancakes. Pancakes are an intercontinental dish that I never thought I would know how to prepare, but with the help of YouTube, I was able to get it done.

Though this is not my first time preparing it, I have prepared it a couple of times because I decided to put it out here as content for people to see in case they don't have an idea of how it's been prepared.

So let's get to the kitchen and see how I prepared my yummy pancakes for breakfast.

Ingredients are:

Flour (2 cups)

Sugar (2 teaspoons)

Baking powder (half a teaspoon)

Salt (pinch)

Powder milk (40g)

Pepper (5gm)

Eggs (3 pieces)

Carrots (4 pieces)

Seasoning (pinch)

Spring onions (4 pieces)

Groundnut oil (120g)


The ingredients are quite a lot, but it is all worth it because I have seen different types of pancake recipes, so I decided to create my recipe by adding vegetables to it to make it more unique than the usual pancakes.

I measured two cups of flour into a clean bowl, then I added two teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of baking powder to the flour, mixed it, and set it aside.

I rinsed the carrots and the spring onions, sliced them, and set them aside.

Then I broke two eggs into another clean bowl. I poured the powdered milk into a plate, added half a cup of water, and mixed it to dissolve in the water.

After that, I poured the milk into the egg and whisked it. I added pepper and a pinch of salt to taste.

I poured the mixture into the flour, then used a mixing stick to mix it until everything blended together.

After that, I poured the sliced vegetables into the mixture, then mixed it again and set it aside.

I put a frying pan on the burner, poured a small quantity of oil inside, and then allowed it to get a little bit hot.

I made use of a cup to measure the mixture into the oil, as you can see in the picture, until there was no space in the frying pan again.

I allowed it to fry on low heat after 2 minutes.

I turned it to the other side to fry as well and after 1 minute I removed them from the frying pan, the same process was applied to the rest of the mixture.

I like having my pancakes with stew but this time I made fried egg to it.

I hope you like my pancakes, thanks for stopping by.

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