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Noodle Soup with Meatball and Chicken Topping

Hello Hivers !!!

I'm going to review a restaurant that serves meatball noodles in this article. I especially enjoy chicken meatball noodles when they are served. At one of the shops in the Kede Geudong market's center that evening, I was looking forward to eating chicken meatball noodles.

Not bad, having chicken meatball noodles as a dish for this evening plan can satisfy hunger and reduce calorie intake. At one of my favorite restaurants, I attempted to eat chicken meatball noodles. I frequently purchase chicken meatball noodles from this shop.

In the center of the Kede Geudong market in the Samudera District of North Aceh, there is a stall with the name Mie Bakso Adi. On the side of the road, directly in front of the Geudong terminal, lies this store. On the Medan-Banda Aceh route, this store is situated on the left side.

I can get to this store from home in just under five minutes. I first only wanted to savor the chicken meatball noodles at this restaurant. It turned out to be incredibly appealing, though, and I ended up becoming dependent on its unique flavor.

After coming off the bridge, you can find this warung quite easily because it is located right on the highway's corner. The inscribed name "Mie Bakso Adi" will be visible from a distance. A shelf containing noodles, meatballs, beef, and spices can be found in front of the store.

The shop's front yard is where drivers can leave their cars. The yard can hold 10 motorcycles despite not being very large. The shop is arranged with rows of wooden tables and chairs.

More than 30 people can be accommodated in this tiny store. There are boiled eggs, vinegar, Acehnese melinjo crackers, soy sauce, chili seasoning, and tissue on the table. A roast chicken appeared to be hanging from a shelf.

With spices from Acehnese, a huge cormorant was filled with a sumptuous soup. Because of the mixture of spices, the soup's characteristic aroma is very noticeable to the nose. In addition, a blend of celery and scallions added a sweet and delicious scent.

When you arrive at the store, the server will inquire about your order. It costs between 10–15,000 Rupiah for a portion of chicken meatball noodles the size of a bangkok. You won't have to wait long to receive your order of meatball noodle.

To go with your meal, there are also fresh drinks available. Fresh beverages cost between 3,000 and 5,000 Rupiah. Waiters are prepared to quickly fulfill all of your orders.

It's time to relish the flavorful and enticing meatball noodles now that the meal has been served. The soup has a very powerful spice aroma. Even more enticing is the soup stock, which is made up of a blend of herbs, scallions, and celery.

When the beef fat mixture is combined with mangkuk, the soup gravy seems particularly rich and flavorful. It gets harder to resist the combination of meatballs, grilled chicken, and aceh noodle toppings. When chewed, the noodles appeared to be quite soft.

The meatballs have a delicate texture and a delectable combination of tastes. Moreover, it was stirred with small chunks of roasted chicken. The noodles taste even better and are more savory when I combine it with a blend of beef fat.

Mixing the soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, and sauce is preferable before stirring. If you enjoy spicy meals, you can add cayenne pepper sauce that has been finely powdered. Enjoy with crisp melinjo crackers after stirring everything together.

Another way to combine it is to add a hard-boiled egg. The chicken meatball noodles at this restaurant not only have a soft texture but a fantastic flavor as well. You should definitely try the chicken meatball noodles at this restaurant, in my opinion.

I appreciate you coming by and reading my post.
