Delicious Lunch At Quadra!


Whether you are a nature lover or simply someone who is looking for a restaurant to share a memorable meal with family and friends, the Quadra is a must-visit! Ah! I had a great dining experience and I was so full.

Quadra sounds like Kwadra or a horse stable in Filipino terms. Impasugong being known as the home of the finest Cowboys has an iconic dining destination nestled in Impasugong, Bukidnon, Philippines popularly known as the Quadra.

I have ordered my comfort foodies and I enjoyed dining at the Kubo with the native and cool atmosphere.



The place was a combination of a cozy and native atmosphere with the evergreen surroundings. At the entrance, the restaurant was adorned with colorful Christmas decorations made of recyclable and indigenous materials. And I so love the adorable snowman made of recyclable cups and more.

I did not go upstairs but just passed the other portion going to the Kubo. I chose the Kubo since I wanted to feel a cool ambiance with the fresh air from the mountains. And yes, while eating at the Kubo, a scenic view could be scene with the majesctic mountain vistas. Indeed, it is a perfect spot for relaxation and dining at the same time.



How I love capturing the path as I passed by going to the Kubo. The clouds were so spectacular with the vibrant sky. The interior and exterior designs were so impeccable and I must say that I am loving the place when I stepped here for the very first time.




Since Quadra is just located on the highway before going to the Communal Ranch, we decided to have our lunch at Quadra. It is my first time visiting here and I must say that this dining destination is renowned for its delectable dishes, breathtaking views, and impeccable service.


Upon arriving at the restaurant, I noticed how friendly and attentive the staff were as they escorted us to our preferred table setting. We had the option to dine inside with its rustic atmosphere or choose the relaxing Kubo. We chose the Kubo since we wanted a native atmosphere and it was so breathtaking there.


I enjoyed staying at the Kubo and had a delightful selfie moment. The Kubo or hut has its native interior that features the classic and indigenous lifestyle. Staying there was so cool despite having the hot weather and I enjoyed the breathtaking views and evergreen surroundings. And it made me feel as though I was dining amid a wonderful nature experience.


Meanwhile, the staff had given us the menu. The restaurant was serving the flavorful and fresh ingredients with the seasonal and local source products of Impasugong. And first served a pitcher of cold service water with glasses.

And so, I ordered a pitcher of Honey Lemon Juice, Garlic Butter Shrimp, Chicken Fingers, and Liempo. Since I was so hungry, I ordered the foodies that were easy to cook yet so delicious.




And finally here are the delicious foodies after a while of waiting. The plating and display were good and I love the overall service.

The Chicken Fingers



The chicken fingers are delicious. It is made from chicken tenders and it feels like I am eating a chicken fillet. The creamy sauce even made it more delecrable as I dipped every shaped piece of cut on its flavorful cream.

The Garlic Butter Shrimp



The Garlic Butter Shrimp is so delicious too with the vinegar and garlic sauce. This is one of my favorite foodies and I usually cook it at home. The staff served it after the chicken finger together with the four cups of rice and the tasty and fresh honey lemon juice.

The Liempo



And finally, the last dish served by the staff was the liempo which is a dish made from grilled pork belly. It was so delicious too and I love eating it while still hot and crispy as I dipped it in the hot sauce. The plating was presentable with the cucumber and carrots sidings.

Perhaps the experience at Quadra was so satisfying and memorable. The stunning views and the delicious dishes satisfied my cravings and I must say that I have eaten my comfort foodies at a wonderful dining destination. I am looking forward to dining here once more to taste other dishes with my family and friends. And yes, it was worth exploring!


Disclaimer: All texts and pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.


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