Sweet Potato Fried Sticky Pancakes?


Rene has done it again! We actually do not know how to name this, but our daughter suggested this instead.

Fully vegan with glutinous rice, sweet potato puree, and caramelized shredded coconut filling.

She used the usual recipe of "Ang Ku kueh", coated it with bread crumbs, and then fried it; when chilled, it is frozen and taken out to heat up in air fryer before consumption.

Wonderful with black coffee (for my daughter), and Chinese tea for us.

But Rene is a typical "agak-agak" (approximate) chef. She eyeballs everything when she tried this recipe; hopefully when this is passed to my daughter she will be able to find out the suitable measurement for this yummy snack.

For now, we are just happily enjoying knowing that it is successful.

@lenasveganliving will approve this late submission of #fruitsandvegesmonday ?

My daughter also told us about #orangeTuesday too.

Best wishes
Philip and Rene

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