Green and White Salad Retro Journal Food  Cooking Your Story (3).png

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It has been a beautiful Sunday today, I started the day very early. I was already up by 2am today, just to finish up a piece I was suppose to deliver today (too bad my client lost someone and she has been grieving, well, I did grieve with her, but God knows best). After I completed the piece, I was so hungry and I just had to fix myself a plate of spaghetti 🍝, something quick and simple too. I just could not help but snap pictures while preparing it, as I was snapping, I told myself it's been a while I share a post here on Hive (dude, that's just two days, I made it sound like it's has been a very very long time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚), how about I share my favourite spaghetti 🍝 recipe with you guys. I will be sharing my quick spaghetti recipe today, maybe another time, I will share the recipe of the one when I'm not so much in a hurry to eat something.


The ingredients used in making this quick meal are really very easy to get, and the once I worked with are actually what I have in my kitchen currently. Come to think of it πŸ€”πŸ€”, while I was preparing this meal, I realized I'm running low on some of the things I normally use in my kitchen, I really don't enjoy going to the market, the smell in the atmosphere there is not for me, and so many people there, I really don't like loud places, that doesn't mean I am not loud though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I just feel some how seeing many folks, but I have no choice, I must visit the market to get some new stocks and fill my house, only God knows when I will visit the market again after stocking my house. Here are the basic ingredients used to make my spaghetti 🍝:

🍝 Golden Penny Spaghetti 🍝
🍝 Scotch Bonnet Pepper🌢️
🍝 Tomatoes πŸ…
🍝 Onions 🌰
🍝 Curry powder
🍝 Thyme
🍝 Seasoning cube
🍝 Salt ( to taste)
🍝 Egg πŸ₯š

Those are the basic ingredients you will be needing for this dish if you decide to try it out. These are things you can easily get, you really don't have to worry yourself about how to get them.

The Making Of My Spaghetti 🍝

The process is very easily especially when you are just cooking for only your stomach like I did today, because the quantity of things you will be slicing wouldn't be that much, unlike when you are cooking for a large number of persons.


Put your spaghetti on fire and cook half way.

The first thing I did was to put my spaghetti in water and put it on fire, allowing it to get cooked half way. You don't want your spaghetti too soft, the first cooking has be half way. This should not take more than 5 minutes for it to reach that point (that's if your water is already warm before putting your spaghetti inside, if it's not warm before putting it on fire just leave it up to 10 minutes).


Cut your onions, pepper and tomatoes. If you are cooking for a large number of persons, make sure your prepare all your ingredients before your start cooking

While I was waiting for my spaghetti, I quickly cut my onions, tomatoes and pepper. On a normal day, the things I will use in making this spaghetti will be very much, but hey, Hunger made me do it. 😜

Filter the water from the spaghetti

Once your spaghetti is ready, filter the water out and place your pot or frying pan on fire. Allow the pan or pot to dry very well before adding some vegetable oil to it (you honestly don't need much oil, so don't go using a litre of oil now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, I'm just messing with you, I know you know what to do).

Fry your onions, pepper, tomatoes and the other ingredients together

Now, fry the onions, the pepper and tomatoes. Allow them to cook for a while before adding the curry powder, thyme, seasoning cube and salt to it. After adding that, also allow it to cook for a while.

Turn your spaghetti in the pot and mix together with the ingredients

Once those things in the pot have cook well, turn your spaghetti inside and mix everything very well. And when you are done mixing, add little quantity of water to it. The reason you are adding this water is to help soften the spaghetti so that you can actually enjoy it when you are eating it. You don't want to be struggling while eating, nobody enjoy eating half cooked meal. But the fact we don't want half cooked meal does not mean you will add all the water in Atlantic Ocean πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we don't want our spaghetti too soft also, so it has to be little water. The heat will do the remaining job as the water dries out.

Cover the pot and put your stove or cooker on medium heat, allow everything to cook and in no time, you will be ready to eat. Once your spaghetti is ready, serve in a plate, I did not have time to fry egg, because I have special ways of frying my eggs, but I was too hungry to do that, so I just bought cooked eggs (funny story though, I have half crate of raw eggs in my house but because I don't want to waste time boiling egg, I had to buy cooked one outside, that was how hungry I was). Don't even say I had time to boil water for my milk, no I did not have time for that also, I already have warm water in my flask, so I just used that.

Dish your meal, enjoy it with warm milk and egg.

Well, dish yourself a nice plate of spaghetti 🍝 with egg, and have it with warm milk. By the way, while I was eating, I decided to see LOKI season one, it is very lovely, I'm not done with the season yet but you guys should check that series. Marvel have been doing amazingly well this year, thumbs up to them. There you have it guys, my quick spaghetti recipe, try it out and share with me. Also share your thoughts in the comment section and thanks for being an amazing reader as always.

Thanks for reading.

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