Toge Soup with Gochujang Sauce

I hope you're okay. Today, I made soup. But this soup is not in the recipe. I consider this a test meal. But you don't have to worry, it tastes really good. I only mix the vegetables I have. I still have bean sprouts and carrots. Oh, yes, I also have mandu and chicken. I also added gochujang sauce. I don't know the name of this food. Maybe, bean sprout soup with gochujang sauce.

I want to tell you a little about toge. Toge is one of the vegetables that is easy to digest. This vegetable has many benefits for the body. One of them is to ease the work of the digestive system. But, you should also know that Toge has many benefits for our body. Among them,


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Increase metabolism

Toge contains enzymes that are very useful in our body's metabolic processes. Toge has a lot of protein which is very good for our body. This protein is sufficient for almost all body processes. Starting from the manufacture of cells, body repair and so on. Toge is also used as an alternative source of protein other than meat.

Prevent anemia

Toge has benefits, one of which can avoid anemia. Inside the sprouts there is a load that can maintain the number of red blood cells. So, if consumed regularly can reduce the risk of anemia. Toge can also accelerate the absorption of iron.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Lose weight

Are you on a diet? Toge is good for those of you who are on a diet. You will feel full for a little longer. Because sprouts can slow the release of ghrellin. Ghrelin is a hormone that can remind you of food. Sprouts will block this hormone. So, you can eat less

Immune System Enhancement

Toge has vitamin C which plays a role in fighting various diseases and infections. In addition, sprouts can also store vitamin A nutrients that can function as antioxidants.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

The Inggredient Use

1#. Mandu
2#. Chicken, to taste
3#. Toge, to taste
4#. Carrot, to taste
5#. Onion, to taste. I use quite a lot

The Seasoning Use

1#. Gochujang sauce, to taste
2#. Sugar, to taste.
3#. Chili sauce to taste
4#. Tomato sauce, to taste
5#. Chili powder, to taste.
6#. Soy sauce, to taste
7#. Oyster sauce, to taste.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Step by Step

1#. Wash all the materials to be used. After that, cut all the ingredients. Starting from onions and vegetables

2#. Saute onions until golden brown and fragrant. Then, add the vegetables. Wait until it wilts. You have to add carrots first. and wait until it wilts. after that, you can add toge. sprouts are very easy to wither. You don't have to cook it too long.

3#. After the vegetables are wilted, add the chicken. I only used one large piece. If you are making this dish for a large number of people, of course you will have to add a lot of chicken.
4#. After a little cooked, you add water. The water used is according to your taste. Wait until the water boils a little.

5#. After boiling and the chicken looks cooked, add the spices that have been mixed well. Don't forget to enter the mandu. You just wait for 5 minutes until the soup is cooked.

6#. Soup is ready to be served. You can eat with warm rice.



Picture By Nurdiani Latifah



Picture By Nurdiani Latifah



Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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