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Sauteed Toge Sausage, Very Easy to Cook

During this covid-19 period I seldom went home. I quite miss the food my mother used to cook. Each time I returned home I often cooked my favorite meal. Tempe orek, orek tau, saute kangkung and saute toge. I really like this, especially when it's cooked by my mom.


Since I still could not go home, I cooked this meal. It's very easy, for you who are busy, this meal can be your choice. Before I tell you how to cook it, I'd like to tell you a little bit about this food


Toge is one of the most consumed vegetables by the people of Indonesia. There are many benefits of toge that you can get. However, there are several factors that need to be considered to avoid potentially harmful effects. Toge is also an easily digestible nutrient. A nutritionist mentions the process of germination of grains as sprouts.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

What are The Benefits of Toge?

Among the most common benefits given toge is to ease the work of the digestive system in the body. That includes the absorption of iron, vitamin C and zinc contained in sprouts. That's why sprouts can be an option for those of you who have digestive disorders. Or for those of you who have a hypertensive reaction to grains.


In addition to health, sprouts also have a vital role in controlling blood sugar levels. It was mentioned in one of the studies. In research, sprouts were able to regulate the activity of the enzyme amylase, an enzyme used by the body to break down and digest sugar.


In other ways, sprouts can also reduce the risk of heart disease. Like high cholesterol levels. By consuming sprouts, you can lower bad cholesterol. And can increase good cholesterol. However, further research is still needed. Lastly, sprouts are also claimed to increase fertility.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Things to Watch Out from Toge

Although it is known to have various benefits, there are several things you should know before consuming sprouts. Sprouts are generally sold in the market and may contain infection-causing bacteria. Common symptoms of the infection include abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, vomiting and fever.


Although it is known to have various benefits, there are several things you should know before consuming sprouts. Sprouts are generally sold in the market and may contain infection-causing bacteria. Common symptoms of the infection include abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, vomiting and fever.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Things to Consider Before Cooking

1#. The smell of fresh bean sprouts will not smell. If it smells, you shouldn't buy it

2#. Wash the bean sprouts before cooking. This is to remove harmful bacteria.

3#. Put the cleaned bean sprouts into the refrigerator.

4#. Pregnant women, children, the elderly and those with low immune systems should not consume raw bean sprouts. This is done to avoid health risks.


Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Sauteed Toge Sausage
Ingredients Used

1#. Toge, as needed

2#. Sausage, I use chicken sausage. I used 3 small size sausages

3#. Oil canola

4#. half an onion

5#. 2 pieces of garlic

6#. 1 tablespoon oyster

7#. 1 tablespoon soy sauce

8#. Mushroom broth, to taste

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

How to Cook

1#. Clean all the ingredients to be cooked. After that, cut all the ingredients according to taste

2#. Heat the oil. Once hot, you can add the onion and garlic. Saute until fragrant.

3#. Add sausage. Wait about 3 minutes.

4#. Enter Toge. Stir well. Because sprouts already have water content, I never add water.

5#. If it looks wilted, add other seasonings. Stir well and wait until cooked.

  1. Tumissosis sprouts are ready to eat. good luck

Bonus Picture

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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