Rajasthan special kachori and gulab jamun

Hello and namasthe dear friends !

How are you all ? Hope you all are good and enjoying your weekend. I am also good and enjoying my Weekend with delicious special food at my native place 😊.


Today i would like to share about famous food of Rajasthan. In above pictures you can see kachori and gulabajamun. This is a great combination to enjoy. The one is crunchy , spicy snacks and second is a dessert. We can found these items in many states but in Rajasthan you can found the authentic taste.

About kachori 😋

In Rajasthan people are very fond of kachori. They love to have kachori in breakfast, as a tea snacks and all celebrations. There are many types of kachori in Rajasthan; pyaj kachori ( onion kachori), dal kachori, shahi raj kachori etc.

these are dal kachori made by lentils, maida and spices. A deep fried snacks . One of my favourite food item.

About gulabajamun 😋

Gulabajamun is a sweet ball a famous dessert of India. If you get Gulab Jamun after lunch/ dinner , it makes day better and give a happy mood.

This is a combination which i love so much. I love the Rajasthani taste of both items. So whenever i come here i enjoyed it so much.

Made by milk solid or khoya , and syrup. As soon as you put it in the mouth, its taste dissolves: it becomes enjoyable.

Hope you enjoy the picture of the food which i am going to enjoy now 😜.

Do you also like this combination or which combination is your favourite ? Let me know in the comment section.

Thank you so much for your time, support and love 🤍🌸

@mysteriousroad 🙏🇮🇳

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