Filling your stomach with pizza at pizza head

Hi guys...

How are you guys today? Hope you are always healthy and enthusiastic to go through every activity :)

Yesterday I shot a dance video with my friends in Jakarta. From evening to night, finished shooting, there was hunger and thirst. Incidentally my friend knows a good food place nearby, just enough to walk about 8 minutes. We rushed to that place. The name of the place is pos blok Jakarta. Honestly, the place looks like an old building, but inside there are many food stalls and also sellers of bags, clothes and other trinkets. I didn't expect it to be this big in the building either.

After we toured the building, we found a pizza parlor that caught our attention. It's called pizza head. What is interesting is that the pizza here is quite large in size. Although only the message 1 slice but already very make a full stomach. It is also no less tasty than other pizzas.

The Menu here is also diverse, there are 2 slice, 4 slize and wholepan. For the taste here there are, cheese, delight, big deal, hot deal, half-half, better half, quatro, and many more. Because of the four of us then we chose the package 4 slice, in order to be able to share the bill.
4 slice with jumbo size that makes the stomach full. In 4 slice it can,

we ordered the cheese and papperoni flavor. My piece is papperoni.

Here provided chili sauce, tomato sauce, and chili powder. Because I like spicy I so I added chili sauce and chili powder.

I added quite a lot to make it taste spicy. Look, it's very tempting.

In addition to pizza here provided a variety of drinks, including mineral water, coca cola, sprite, lemon, manggo, strawberry. But I didn't order a drink because I still had a drink in my bag.

Our total food cost 115,000 thousand rupiah, we divided the four of us to make it light. For jumbo size pizza is quite affordable. And it tastes good too.



Although the place is not too spacious but here comfortable and aesthetic. The place also has air conditioning so it feels cold

Pizza is a food whose main ingredient is flour. If for Indonesia pizza is not a staple food. Even though pizza is loved by many, not a few people who do not like pizza. Some of my closest friends don't like pizza. For me pizza is delicious and one of the foods that can make a full stomach. But if the size is small maybe I have to spend 4 or 5 slices to be able to make my stomach full :) if you have never tried pizza food then you should try it because pizza is delicious and definitely addictive. Moreover, pizza cheese, very tasty. If you don't really like pizza you can try papperoni which doesn't make nausea, you can also add sauce, because most Indonesians like spicy, make sure you use sauce so you don't get too nauseous. That's a tip from me, because the first time I tried pizza was a little nauseous and strange, but I tried to enjoy pizza, finally I used chili sauce and until now I really like pizza


Michelle Dina

My name is michelle dina krisdayanti. I used to be called Michelle. I was born and raised in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I'm originally from Java. My job as a singer since I was in school. I am the second child of two siblings. My hobbies are singing and dancing as well as writing. I've finished a story 1 book. But I only wrote it in my own notebook and only read by my friends. I hope that someday I can make my own book, print my own work and be able to market it in bookstores

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