Creamy Bacon Chicken Thighs


Alright you Foodie lovers I hope you're in for a flavoursome journey on a dish so full of flavour and calories I don't always make it all that often. It's definitely a family favourite and when it gets whipped up everyone is left licking their fingers wanting more. Be warned there won't be enough to go around so make sure you conserve when serving up. Everyone is going to want seconds and thirds.


You can use chicken breasts but I find chicken thighs are alot juicier and soak up alot more flavour. I cut mine up into four smaller pieces it's easier to cook and makes serving up alot easier in sharing it around. Start by frying all the chicken, doesn't really matter how brown you get them but you want to make sure they are cooked through. No one likes salmonella poisoning.

I used about 1.2kg of chicken thighs as I'm feeding five people, I need to make an extra plate for the wifes lunch at work tomorrow and I know everyone is going to want seconds. Hopefully this is enough to go around.

I fry my chicken in olive oil.


While you're cooking the chicken chop up one large brown onion and about 200 - 300 grams of Bacon. I use smoked Bacon and I cut it up into slightly thicker strips. Also crush four cloves of garlic. Set aside and cook all the chicken.


Once the chicken is all cooked lower the heat a little and in the pan juices melt 50g - 75g of butter.


Once the butter has all melted add your onion and cook until it starts to become translucent then add in your Bacon. Now you can pre cook the Bacon so it's crispy and chuck it in towards the end but I prefer this method. After a few minutes the Bacon will cook and as it starts to pop add the garlic and stir through for about 30 seconds or until fragrant.


Pour in half a cup of chicken stock 300mls of thickend cream, salt, pepper and mix through. Then re add your chicken and mix through again so everything is mixed together.


You then want to reduce the heat place a lid on your frypan and simmer for about 25 - 30 minutes stirring regularly until the sauce thickens. You can also add in parmisan cheese and a spoonful of sugar to help sweaten the sauce but I find the onion and Bacon does a better job and has enough flavour.


Serve up ontop of a plate of mash and make sure to pour over that lovely creamy sauce. For added flavour you can also add some chopped parsley which is something I often do but unfortunately I didn't have any parsley this time. I usually have alot of it laying around but it has been a busy week with work and the kids and I haven't been able to get out to the shops.

I hope you enjoyed tonight's dinner as much as I did and let me know if you have cooked this before or will try it in the future.

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