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Good day everyone. This is actually my first post and I'm so excited to be here. I'm Mercy and I'm a certified foodie. I always look forward to trying new food and on this case, it was a burger.

There's always a first time trying something, some could do well at their first trial and others will need to keep practicing so as to turn out good.

During the lockdown period, a lot of new skills were picked up by different people which ended fine. I tried learning how to drive but I just couldn't. So I switched to my comfort zone which involves food. I learnt how to make a burger.

Ingredients needed:
Griddle pan
Burger bread(I got it from the mart)
Blended meat which was later fried

Get your Burger bread ready by dividing it into two.
Slice your tomatoes, onions and cucumber.
Rinse your lettuce so as to wash off sand from it.
Get your blended meat seasoned,boiled,flattened and fried to fit into the divided Burger bread.
Preferably mix your Mayonnaise and ketchup together.
Then the above into the already cut bread.
Viola,your Burger is ready for consumption.

NB: there could be different approaches to making a Burger. This was the one I learnt and I hope you get to try it too.

Thanks for reading ❤.