H-2 Lebaran: Hustle and bustle ahead of Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia.

Lebaran or Eid al-Fitr is a special moment that is always awaited by the Muslim world community, especially for Muslims in Indonesia, considering that Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority religion. The hustle and bustle ahead of Lebaran or Eid is not only for Muslims, but also for those who are non-Muslims who will also get a blessing when Eid will arrive? Why is that because the demand for goods and services is soaring very rapidly. So that for those who sell culinary goods, ranging from pastries, Eid parcels, new clothes as well as sales of transportation tickets and even basic necessities, all have experienced more than 100%.

Not only that, before D-2, I and my teaching community also distributed Takjil or snacks to break the fast. We distribute this takjil to passersby along the road that we share. Our takjil distribution targets are pedicab drivers, homecomers, city transportation drivers, and people who are traveling. This takjil distribution is one of our means to share it with the community, even though the price is not much. However, our intentions are very sincere. And the jargon The beauty of sharing is one that we practice. Hopefully next year we can collect more donations and distribute more Takjil.

Back to the hustle and bustle of Eid. Towards Eid we also experience the hustle and bustle that is happening out there. Our excitement occurred when preparing Eid dishes which have become a tradition for us. there are several pastries that have become our mainstay, namely the cork egg cake. This cake is made from tapioca flour and a mixture of fried cheese and margarine, then there are chocolate cookies and many other cookies. Everything is our tradition in Indonesia to welcome guests who come.

Not only about Eid dishes, the issue of holiday allowances is also very much awaited by employees, including me. And husband. Usually the holiday allowance can be in the form of money or gifts for Eid needs such as sugar, flour, syrup and other pastries. If the money is usually one month's salary for employees. Whatever it is, all should be grateful for the additional spending for Eid needs which is increasingly swelling compared to the months before Eid.

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And another tradition that exists in Indonesia during Eid is the sungkeman tradition or shaking hands, forgiving and praying for each other. Because humans have a lot of mistakes. So there is nothing wrong with us apologizing to each other. When Eid I will tell you all more. Hive friends all. Greetings from us Tomi and Maya from Binjai, Indonesia.

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