Candil porridge: Processed tapioca flour with delicious sweet potato


Candil porridge is also known as salak seed porridge. The taste of this porridge is savory and sweet in the broth.
This porridge can be made from glutinous rice flour or tapioca flour. Depends on the taste that makes. Sometimes someone who has stomach acid doesn't want to risk making food from glutinous rice flour, because it can have an impact on the stomach getting sore, so the alternative flour used, namely tapioca flour which is safe for the stomach is also very good for the stomach.

In general, the porridge has a soft texture, in contrast to the texture of the candil porridge. Because the candil porridge material is made from tapioca flour or glutinous rice flour which is shaped into spheres or balls, the texture of this candil porridge is chewy like meatballs and there is a different sensation when we eat it in our mouth, like we eat meatballs but with a sweet taste.


The ingredients for making candil porridge are also not difficult and the ingredients needed are also not many and you can modify them according to your taste. For example, at this time we will make yellow yam candil porridge which is easier to find than purple sweet potatoes, if you don't have sweet potatoes or are difficult to get them, then there is no need to use sweet potatoes. you can just use the tapioca flour or just the glutinous rice flour.

And if you don't use a mixture of purple sweet potatoes or other ingredients that can contain color, such as carrots, dragon fruit, biat fruit and others, then to beautify your appearance you can play in coconut milk which will be mixed into the balls of the candil. such as a mixture of palm sugar, or brown sugar and others.


Okay, that's enough explanation for modifying this candil porridge, now I will share my version of the recipe for making candil porridge for my beloved family dish, I hope you like it and keep supporting us always.

Necessary materials :

1. 500 grams of sweet potatoes can be yellow or purple


2. 200 grams of tapioca flour,


3. a quarter teaspoon of salt
4. 500 ml thick coconut milk


5. 200 grams of sugar or according to taste


6. 1 tablespoon pandan paste

How to make :

1. Peel the sweet potato, wash and boil until cooked


2. After the sweet potato is cooked, remove it and drain it for a while, so that it cools down a bit


3. After the sweet potato is warm, or not too hot, crush the sweet potato with a glass to make it soft


4. After the sweet potato is crushed and really soft then mix the tapioca flour


5. Stir and mash until the dough is completely evenly distributed and add salt to the dough so that the candil porridge balls taste more savory and not bland, and the sweet taste obtained from the yams can be more bound so that it tastes sweeter


6. After the dough is well mixed, divide the dough into two parts, give one part green coloring, or pandan paste




7. After the dough is completely flat, make small balls like balls


8. Bring the water to a boil, and add the balls for about 3 minutes, or until the small bubbles come to the surface of the boiling water.


9. Remove and drain until cold


How to make coconut milk gravy :

1. Heat the coconut milk over low heat


2. Add sugar


3. Stir well until the coconut milk boils
4. Lift
5. Candil porridge can be served


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