Vegetarian Night! homemade, Law_uy Cebuano Style!


Hello fellow Hive,

Sharing with you now is a recipe that we Cebuano commonly served on the table particularly those who lives in the provinces.


consist of freshly picked sweet potato leaves, water spinach, regular spinach and of course the main ingredient in making "law_uy" the horseradish which we grab from our small garden. We also add on eggplant, ladyfinger, taro and squash which we bought from the market.

I have my little garden which I want to share with you soon since it's the best way to cultivate the land for planting vegetables because now it's "BER" months, the rainy season started already.


To begin my recipe we start it by washing the ingredients, peeling the taro squash skin and slicing them we also took the mature stem of the other ingredients especially the horseradish.

  • NOW it's time for cooking

  • First is to bring water to a boil,

  • Second, put on taro squash and about five minutes add on ladyfinger, simmer till vegetables are half cook.

  • Third is top on sweet potato leaves and spinach.

  • for about one minute season with salt and seasoning.

  • Lastly, add on the horseradish
    leaves stir and it is all ready to serve.


Best way to eat while it's Hot

  • You can have it also with fried fish on it but we like to get rid of oil sometimes.
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