My Own Version of Strogonov with Vegetables

When we cook strogonov the cut of meat must be a very tender one, and that is why we normally use tenderloin. We can also use pork tenderloin and checken breast. They must be cut in strips. The main ingredients for this dish are the mushrooms, onions, pepper, olive oil and dour cream, and you can also add cayenne pepper and paprika.

The strogonov or stroganov has its origen in Petersburgo, Russia. This dish became very popular in Eastern Europe because apart from being delicious it is very easy to cook, economical and versatile. The original recipe use sour cream, but milk cream has become the most used.

I am adding some vegetables to this special dish to make it more attractive, and I prefer to use sour cream because I tasted it like that when I visited Leningrad. Sour crean is a bit acid and if you don't have it you can use natural yogurt. The taste differ between sour cream and milk cream.


  • 500 grams of tenderloin cut in strips
  • 1 onion cut in slices
  • 1 zuchinni
  • 1/2 cup of tomatoe sauce
  • 1/2 cup os sour cream
  • 2 chjillies
  • 1 small red pepper
  • black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • olive oil
  • salt


  • cut the tenderloin in strips
  • add the pepper and the tomatoe sauce and soak for 20 minutes

  • cut the onions in slices
  • cut the chillies and the red pepper in strips
  • remove the middle part of the zuchinni with a spoon to remove the seeds

  • fry the onions in olive oil without burning, set aside
  • in the same pan fry the tenderloin

  • in another pan fry the chillies and red pepper
  • fry the zuchinni in the same pan adding gatlic powder

  • add the fried tenderloin
  • add the fried onions
  • adjust the salt

  • add the sour cream and cook for 10 minutes

  • cut the potatoes in slices
  • fry them with little oil

  • serve the strogonov hot with the potatoes and salad

All images are my property. Captured with a sumasung A5 camera.

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