Beef Hotchpot = My homemade recipe πŸ₯—πŸ›πŸ₯©


I'm back with a new homemade recipe.
I'll share my cooking recipe of a Beef Hotchpot πŸ₯—πŸ›πŸ₯©.


Hotchpot is a combination of different food products and I like it with the combination of rice and peas with some meat (generally beef or chicken and I use chicken for most of the time but I think beef hotchpot tastes better).

Let's see how I cooked the Beef Hotchpot at my home.

Ingredients & Steps to follow:

  • Potato and Onion


I sliced the potatoes, tomato and onions in smaller pieces and then I washed them with normal temperature water. And I used some green chili in whole and I used some green chili after I cut them into half.

  • Chili Powder
  • Turmeric Powder
  • Cumin Powder

The turmeric powder reduces the raw scent of the meat adding its own scent and it helps the curry getting a good color as well. And the chili powder is being used for the peppery and the more or less peppery we need, we use the chili powder more or less.

And I mashed some cumin seeds after frying them and made cumin powder that gives a fantastic scent to the dish which is actually different than any other ingredient can do. As the hotchpot needs more of these ingredients for a better taste, I used them in a good amount.

  • Ginger Paste
  • Garlic Paste
  • Coriander Powder

Then there's Ginger & Garlic Paste that's a must use ingredient for any curries of beef or chicken as this paste reduces the raw scent of the meat.

And I used some coriander powder as well for a better taste.

  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Bay Leaf


These ingredients increase the taste of hotchpot or any similar dishes, so I try to add more of them. And they helps the dish to spread a good aroma.

  • Beef


I already said it that good and tender beef steaks are a key to perfect beef dish. And I selected some good parts of beef meat.
As I used them in hotchpot, I needed to cut them into smaller pieces so that they get tender soon and I washed them properly taking a moment.



I forgot to talk about the oil and the thing is, mustard oil is better for this dish as the mustard oil gives a fantastic aroma to the dish and its healthy as well. So I used mustard oil in a pan and then I put Cinnamon, Cardamom and Bay Leaf and after a moment I put the onion slices.

Then I started grinding the spices and believe me grinding is the part that makes any dish tasty.


Then I put the beef pieces into the grind and I mixed them properly and grinded them for another moment.


Then I put the tomato and potato slices and I mixed them first and now its the final grinding and after grinding them for a moment, I put hot water and I kept them for around 10 minutes and there was the lid covering the pan.

And its the finishing of the meat process. Now its time to talk about the other part.

  • Peas
  • Lentil
  • Rice


These peas are too hard inside and that's why I put them in fresh water for around an hour to make them softer. Then I boiled them for around 10 minutes and they become soft and useable for the hotchpot.

Then I washed the rice and lentil and I mixed the rice and lentil together (left the peas for later) and this is part why its called hotchpot because its the rice and lentil combination here.


After sautΓ©ing some more onion, bay leaf, cinnamon and cardamom, I put the rice and lentil mix in the pan and friend them for a moment.


Then I added the tomato and peas in the mixer and I mixed them well and now its time to add some water into it. And I mixed the green chilis at this very moment.


After adding water, I added the already prepared beef in the dish and now its going to take a little while.
After mixing them properly, I covered the pan with a lid for around 10 minutes and it reminds me with its great scent that its ready.

  • Coriander Leaves

Then I added some coriander leaves for a fresh and different scent that can be addressed as the finishing scent.



And the dish was ready to be served.

I served this dish with some salad pickles.
It was really tasty and I'd say it's a perfect chicken curry.

No more today, I'll talk more later with another recipe soon.

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