Meat Stuffed Tofu - a popular dish in a Vietnamese family meal

Hello everyone, have you made a menu for a family meal today?
Today, I'd like to introduce to everyone a simple dish but also equally nutritious. It's Meat Stuffed Tofu
Tofu is a dish that contains many high-value nutrients and brings many benefits for health. There are many dishes made from tofu. And the Meat stuffed tofu is one of my favorites. Meat Stuffed Tofu is very simple and easy to make. Join me in the kitchen to make it.

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Raw materials include:

  • Tofu
  • Pork
  • A handful of green onions
  • Condiments include cooking oil, salt, onion, garlic, pepper, sugar, monosodium glutamate, seasoning powder.
    Step 1: Preliminary ingredients
    Wash the tofu with cold water and cut it into three pieces and cut out the middle. Use the spoon to scoop out the tofu inside, trying not to puncture or crush the tofu. This step is to create a space to stuff the meat in it. Then marinate the tofu with a little salt.


Scallions, after washing, cutting into small pieces. minced onion and garlic
Pork, cut into thin slices and minced. Add the tofu you just removed to the meat. Then marinate this mixture with little salt, seasoning, pepper, sugar, monosodium glutamate and mix well to infuse the spices.

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Step 2: stuff the meat into the tofu
Use a spoon to take a moderate amount of meat, put it in the space in the tofu slice. You have to be very careful. If not, the tofu pieces will break easily.

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Step 3: fry tofu
Get on the stove a small pan, medium heat to heat the pan. Add a little oil and wait for the oil to boil. Continue to put the stuffed tofu slices into the pan to fry. Fry until golden brown on one side, then flip to the other side to continue frying until golden brown on all sides.


We have finished the Meat Stuffed Tofu. It's too simple, isn't it? Tofu stuffed with meat is more delicious when served with steamed rice. The mild taste of tofu and the richness of pork will surely make your family meal more delicious. Wish you success!

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In addition, you can also make Meat Stuffed Tofu into many other dishes. Such as Meat Stuffed Tofu with tomato sauce, steamed Meat Stuffed Tofu.
You can try different ways to diversify your family's menu.

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thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy this dish.

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