It’s not so bad anymore.

I woke up really late this morning. I couldn’t believe it, it was highly unusual. After opening my eyes I had just an hour to get to work, so I did not have the time to prepare breakfast. I just took my bath, dressed up and got here.

However, everything just seemed wrong this morning. I got annoyed over the simplest things, even my students said it that master Kenny is acting different today. I feel so weak and devoid of life. What could probably be the cause? Well the answer was not far fetched.

Starvation! Indeed an hungry man is an angry man.

When I could no longer hold it, I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I took it to my office, took a few pictures before devouring the meal. Guess what?
Suddenly it all does not seem bad anymore. Is that not intriguing?
This has led me to a worthwhile conclusion: no matter what you are feeling, do well to eat first.

You feel down and unmotivated? Eat.
You think you feel depressed? Eat first.
You feel you have not done your best? Go for second serving.

If 70 percent of our problems can be solved by eating, then we have no problems in the first place. Never underestimate the power of good food at the proper time.
It’s not just today. There were times that I felt negative emotions, but all I needed was to eat. I think I will agree at this point that food is my therapy. Well at least it works. You might want to give a trial too.
Never underestimate the power of a good meal at the right time. It does wonders.
Below are the pictures of the delightful meal. It’s fried rice, beef, peanuts and snails.

Now I can smile at everyone. It’s such a wonderful day after all.

Have you eaten a good meal today?

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