Comfort food for my soul

Alright, I will just go ahead and say it. I picked a couple of frozen pizzas for an easy meal that I could keep in my freezer for those kinds of days where you just want to eat but not cook. It is not that I have do not have ready to eat meals in my freezer. I generally stock up on some frozen parathas and I still have the one box of cheese jalapenos poppers that I have from a few months ago. And that is the extent of ready to eat meals in the freezer.

The frozen pizzas in this store were highly recommended by a friend and I’m super excited that I paid heed. If truth be told, I have not tried frozen pizzas from anywhere else. So, I don’t have anything to benchmark it against. I normally make my pizzas, some days using pizza dough and mostly using a tortilla as a base or simply from a pizza shop. And since Pizzas ranks way up high on my comfort food, I thought it would be a nice thing to have.

So, I got back from my mini snack shopping and was in no mood to cook dinner or I should be honest here, maybe I didn’t feel like cooking because of the frozen pizza. It went straight to a preheated oven for about 14 minutes and it was delicious. The sauce was good and there was enough cheese. Although I would have preferred fresh basil leaves, the basil paste was not bad either. The crust was thin and crispy just as the box says and the end product was this delicious pizza.

I don’t just enjoy the freshly cooked pizza; Don’t judge me, but I secretly enjoy a day-old pizza straight from the refrigerator. I believe it should be a ‘thing’. But maybe it’s just me.

All photos are my own.

All photos are shot on a mobile phone.

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