As a first-time mama, I decided to do Baby Led Weaning for my baby boy when he turned six months. I offered solids after he showed the readiness signs and I had been following certain mommies online with the recipes they offer for their babies.

I find it cute when babies feed themselves. BLW may sound scary to some because they fear choking that's why it is best to be prepared. I had made my own research on what are the basic things to know before starting with this journey.

Matti is not a big eater but he shows improvements. Today, we are still slowly learning, both of us, are still sowing, some people would question this because they are not used to seeing kids eating by themselves, at least in the province, let alone six-month-old babies but I know that in due time, we will reap the results of our efforts.

Allow me to share with you some of the BLW foodies that I had offered to Matti. I am adding the ingredients and procedure too! These are really easy recipes! Today's recipe is Tofu Sticks.

Tofu is packed with nutritional value and ranges in texture so it is good for baby-led weaning. I used there three main ingredients such as egg, the tofu itself, and breadcrumbs.

This is a baked recipe so I used also butter and some seasonings for the breadcrumbs. Note that egg can be an allergen so make sure to observe the baby after eating.

For the procedure:

  1. Scramble the egg.
  2. Cut the tofu in long strips, enough for the baby to hold.
  3. Remove excess water by tapping it with kitchen tissue.
  4. Coat the tofu with egg.
  5. Breadcrumbs should be seasoned with pepper, thyme, oregano, basil or whatever seasoning you have in the kitchen.
  6. Coat the tofu with seasoned breadcrumbs.
  7. Arrange and bake for a few minutes.

I made the first batch without salt because, in baby-led weaning, the aim is to not add any sugar or salt to the baby's food. Then the next line of tofu sticks was for me, these were salted.

After the tofu was done, I cooked banana oatmeal pancake too without eggs and it came out well. I will share the easy recipe in the future.

Here's Matti's food for dinner! He loved the pancake and the tofu sticks!

Follow me for more BLW recipes to be shared soon!

Thank you for reading this article! I appreciate it!