New Bread attempt

My Niece had this bread mixer, she used to use it A LOT, back when they were really concentrating on holistic/organic make your own lifestyle.
Then he had the wreck that left him paralyzed (and now he just died after 17 yrs,) and that machine has languished in her basement until yesterday.

Using the same recipe I've been using (from the back of the flour bag), but because the guy at the store where I buy my wine wanted it, I'm modifying on the fly

The raisins are added to both batches, but for some reason the second one made less dough.
I DID add more water to the first one because it wouldn't loosen up.

Hoping this all turns out well

In batch one, there is not only the raisins, but Cinnamon and Ginger powder

I'm counting on the kneading and rolling to mix these spices into the dough

The second batch doesn't have the spices
First batch has risen enough to be kneaded and divided now

I was trying to be creative and put some slices in top, but that didn't work out so well.
Crusted the top with course Turbinado Cane sugar
↑That batch is in the oven now↑
While ↓THIS batch↓

is rising in the loaf pans, I brushed them with butter mixed with the last of the orange marmalade that I had on hand
I would have liked to put all 4 loaves in at once, but then one batch would have risen longer than the other

This batch was looking good to me, so I swapped them out, however when I went to test, the first batch was still very soft and doughy in the center, so it is back in with number 2

The larger of the two original loaves remains doughy in the center

I will keep that one for myself ↓Loaves 3 and 4 are out and cooling↓

I CAN say that the machine sped up the process and made for less cleanup, believe it or not.

"Latest bread making process"

Jerry E Smith
All images are original
Taken today with my cellphone

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