Let's make Macaroni salad : Cravings satisfied

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I crave for macaroni salad for a long time. We seldom have this on our table. This sweet food can be found in almost every table during new year celebration and seldom too during birthdays. I always wish to eat this but I know it is expensive.

One day my husband brought cans of fruit cocktail given by their company. This made me crave more for macaroni salad. Since I can't afford to buy all the ingredients at once, I bought them one by one. When I go for grocery, I bought one or two of its ingredients and on the next grocery time other ingredients followed until I have them all.

I crave for it but it didn't mean I will be the only one eating, off course I will share some to others. When I and my brother decided to go home to our birthplace, I brought the ingredients and cook it there so my mother, siblings, niece and nephews could also eat.

My birthplace is in the province and my mother is still using a firewood to cook food. So, here I am cooking using a firewood.

Come and go with me as I cook using firewood and we will make macaroni salad.


350 grams Macaroni pasta
1 can Fruit cocktail
1 pc 250ml Nestle cream
2 cans 374g Cowbell condensed milk
1 8oz kaong
Cooking oil


Cooking and preparing the macaroni pasta

Step 1. Put water, a little salt and a little cooking oil in a pot and let it boil. Salt is used to give taste for the pasta and cooking oil to avoid pasta from sticking to each other.

Step 2. When the water is boiling, put the macaroni pasta.

Stir occasionally. Let it boil until the macaroni pasta is tender. Don't overcook it.

Step 3. Remove it from the fire. Remove the excess water by straining it and put it aside.

Preparing the kaong

Step 4. Cut the kaong according to your desired size. This is optional because you can directly use it as it is. But in my case I divide it into three. I removed its water and wash it again.

Mixing all the ingredients

Step 5. Get the cooked macaroni pasta and add the kaong.

Step 6. Add the raisins. This adds more sweet in the Macaroni salad. This is a dried grapes.

Step 7. Add the nestle all purpose cream. You can also use other brands.

Step 8. Add the lady's choice real mayonnaise.

Step 9. Add the condense milk. I used cowbell but you can also use any brands.

Step 10. Add the fruit cocktail. This make the salad more colorful, more sweet, more yummy.

Step 11. Mix all the ingredients and put it into the refrigerator.

After an hour, your macaroni salad is ready to be served.

Enjoy this colorful, yummy, sweet and creamy macaroni salad.

You can adjust the mayonnaise, condensed milk and cream according to your desired taste. You can also add other ingredients you know and if you want.

We enjoyed eating it in the afternoon while the sun is so hot. This also serves as a reward for the kids who had their afternoon sleep.

It's always good to be back home and have some time with the family while enjoying a delicious food we prepared.

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