Make Risol to be Enjoyed While Relaxing

This afternoon, I feel like chewing alias eating snacks. I looked in the fridge, there were carrots and potatoes. Immediately I had an idea to cook Risol.

Risol is one of the most delicious fried foods after bakwan, in my opinion hehe. In my city, risol is very easy to find at hawker traders. Making risol is easy but takes quite a long time. Because there is a process for making risol skin and its contents. Therefore, most people prefer to buy rather than make.

The materials needed to make risol are:
2 eggs
Wheat flour to taste

The contents of the resolution are:
First: cut carrots and potatoes into cubes
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Next, put the carrots and potatoes into the pan, also add water, salt, and here I add chili sauce or sauce (if you don't like spicy, you can skip it). Boil until cooked like the photo below

After that for the risol skin, the method is as follows: Put 2 eggs into a bowl along with water, salt, flour and cornstarch, stir until well blended like the photo below

After that, cook over low heat as shown below

After all the skin is finished, put the filling and shape as shown below

Next, fry And after that, drain, and the risol is ready to eat

That's a little knowledge from me about making risol, hopefully it's useful. Thank you, see you in the next post

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