Super awesome dinner at Quan Le Yan Seafood

After hours at the Nex Mall, our food venture had not ended. We all went home to have a short rest while waiting for my cousin to finish work. Once she reached home around 7pm, at 730pm, we departed again using Grab instead of MRT to a restaurant for dinner. Our another eldest cousin and her husband wanted to give us a nice dinner treat!!! Let's!!!

Quan Le Yan Seafood

This was a typical Chinese restaurant and my cousin said they served really authentic delicious food, especially the Teo Chew food. Of course, a typical Chinese restaurant came with round tables.

Finally, we got to meet our eldest cousin, her husband and her children, one boy, one girl. The children had grown up, oh my! Time passed. My eldest cousin still looked very young at her age of 49. She said the secret was worry less, pray more and trust God will work things out eventually. That's how I found out all of us are believers of Christ. Even my Aunt said she would get baptised soon. Rejoice!

Food they ordered!!!

My cousin's husband announced that we must embraced ourselves because he ordered total 8 dishes. I sat straight, making space for my stomach. Haha.

Fried homemade fish tofu paste

This was so so so so good! Words couldn't explain. Boss said they used fresh fish and secret seasoning, inside were some diced carrots, fish paste with some diced prawns, spring onions and chives. Perfectly fried. We all loved it. Since it was the first dish out, all were gone in few minutes.

Teo Chew Fish Poriddge

Cousin said let's have something light and soupy before the heavy dishes. This was another mouth-watering Teo Chew porridge, the more watery type. They used garoupa fish, which was super fresh too. Some slices of ginger inside and 'tong po' vegetables. Overall, this would taste more bland if you liked heavy taste but most of us loved it. Also, if you like thick porridge, then you wouldn't prefer this one. I like watery soupy porridge haha. Just my style. Yay!

Herbal Duck!

The next dish was superb! We were not sure how the chef cooked it. The duck meat was so soaking with nice herbal taste, yet it looked like being steamed, not roasted or stewed. Anyway, superb delicious. The duck meat was so soft. Dipped with the duck sauce, wow, heavenly. So, I had twice duck meal, one during lunch at Dian Xiao Er which I wrote in my previous post and now for dinner!

Omelette Oyster

Another dish came out and surprised us. This restaurant was famous for fresh seafood even their oysters. This omelette oysters was so nicely cooked. The egg was well-seasoned and paired with the fresh oysters, even though we started to feel full, suddenly the appetite opened up again. Haha.

Stir Fry Vegetables

Okay, we had one vegetables dish, green leafy type, basic Chinese stir fry with oyster sauce and soy sauce. Very delicious too.

Special Sauce Seafood

I forgot what was this but it was not lobster but something that looked like lobsters. Ahh, I remember suddenly, it was cray fish! It was our first eating this and oh my, it was so fresh. Some natural sweetness in the meat, and not to mention, the secret sauce was kicking great!!! We ate this with hands. Haha.

Fried thick noodles

Just when we thought the dinner was about to end, cousin asked us not to stop. Another dish came out.. Basic Teo chew fried thick flat rice noodles. At first we were thinking maybe not so delicious because it was white, looked like undertaste, but mind you, this was so delicious. Enough wok-hey and fried so well with eggs and spring onions and some greens. And really, well done. I surprised myself with three bowls of this.


The finale! Lastly, we ended with a Teo chew dessert, smooth blended warm yam paste with gingko and pumpkin. It was our first time trying this type of dessert and it was very soothing to the palate and soul. Haha.

We all had such great time catching up with one another, full of chats and laughters and getting to know one another especially the children. Of course, we ate till we did not know what was the meaning of feeling full. Then, we had some group photos together too! Thank you to my cousin and her husband for such a great dinner!

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