Our Basmati fried rice, a healthy food for everyone

Hello my foodies, this happens to be my first time here. And i believe i would be showing up from time to time to say hello you my beautiful friends. Cooking is an activity some people love taking part in while others don't. Some people see it as a necessity while others as a hobby. My perspective about it changed few months ago when i decided to take a step of graduation from necessity to hobby. Ever since then it's been fun for me and don't like missing my classes.

As one who only knows how to make native food i decided to try out something different after one of my classes. So i will be dropping step to step of how i achieved this basmati fried rice on my own.


  • 1 kg of rice
  • 1kg of chicken
  • 2 bell pepper (preferably green)
  • 1 table spoon of seasoning
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 1 kg of green beans
  • 184g of sweet corn
  • 300g of processed peas
  • 1/2g of scotch bonnet (optional)
  • 1/2 kg of goat meat liver

Making this food needs patience as some certain ingredients needs to be chopped to a particular shape though it depends on you want to achieve.
I took my to wash and chop the ingredients that needs to be like: my onion, garlic, ginger, green beans, carrots, 1 bell pepper and my scotch bonnet. Though most of them can be blended.

At this point i had to wash my basmati rice, put it on fire remember this rice is not starch like the ones we produce here in our country, it needs to be carefully watched and precooked. I add my water in little quantity to avoid it it being over cooked.

Steaming the meat for the preparation of this food.

At this stage the rice was seasoned with a teaspoon of seasoning and curry powder. My pre-cooked rice is done and set aside. I light seasoned it because my sauce for it will be seasoned well for me to get what i want.

Moving on to make the sauce, i set my pot on fire add my vegetable oil allow to hit and made use of it the vegetable oil to fry the chicken remove and add my onion, garlic and ginger stir fry it and then add my carrot, green beans and my bell fry for few minutes.

We've gotten to the final stage, now i will add my already precooked rice that i have set aside to the sauce on fire and turn it well then bring it down.

Food is ready, my basmati fried rice. It really turned out very nice, as first at didn't expect to sucha good result but it pop out to be.

It's health benefits: vegetables contains vitamins and minerals. And lots of veggies was made used of in making this food meaning it's good for everybody.

Note that basmati doesn't contain starch, this shows that people with glucose in blood can eat it to their satisfaction without worry even those without. Which means one thing; it's good for everyone. Though because of how things skyrocket in the market today most people answer the question, have you eaten? Well. To the question, did you eat healthy? There just need to be something in stomach.

Stay tuned and and visit next time as i bring another recipe i will be trying soon to you my people.

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