Simple Stir-Fry from My Humble Kitchen

Some days I really don't know what to cook. Yet I try to look at my ingredients and try to think of something. So what I had in my fridge before I replenish more grocery were some bell peppers and chicken cubes. Now what can I do with them??

I usually have to cook very fast hence I have to also think very fast. Whatever comes to my mind, I just do it. I was about to have an online class to tutor a boy.

I wanted to actually just stir fry the bell peppers in some butter at first but I suddenly recalled a friend told me bell peppers in an omelette is delicious. Okay, let's try something different today then!


  • Assorted Bell Peppers
  • 4 eggs
  • oyster sauce
  • chicken stock powder
  • white pepper

This was very easily to be done honestly. It is almost a no-brainer. I was dicing my bell peppers in my student's toilet break when he was away from the computer screen. Seizing every minute and moment!

Done dicing them!

Then I only needed to beat the eggs and seasoned them with some oyster sauce, a dash of white pepper and chicken stock powder. Beat the egg mixture up for a while.

Now it is easy cooking time!

Into a pan, heat up some oil. Pour in the diced bell peppers to cook till they are not raw anymore.

Add in the egg mixture.

Let the omelette fry a while and distribute the bell peppers evenly around the omelette.

When one side of the omelette has browned, flip it over to the other side to cook and brown the other side too.

After both sides are cooked and browned nicely, time to dish it out and VOILA!

Since the egg and vegetable dish is done, now I just need to whip up a protein dish. I had some cubed chicken pieces with bones in the freezer and I defrosted them.

Seasoned them with some white pepper, chicken stock powder and oyster sauce as well as a bit of light soy sauce. Planned to just marinate themfor half an hour and air fry them.

After coated the chicken pieces with the marinade, be sure to leave it for at least 30 minutes to let the chicken absorb the seasoning.

After my online class, I popped these marinated chicken pieces into the air fryer at 180C for 30 minutes.

Look how well they turned out to be! My chicken lover son was so happy I cooked his favorite protein and said thank you to me when he was having it for lunch after school.

Well, that is it!!! Clearing fridge and freezer operation calls for simple recipes like this and sometimes unplanned cooking can turn out to be even better than those that I may have studied for days! Hahahah! Bon Apetit, everyone! May you eat well and live well too!

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