Simple Dinner Date with The Husband at Burger King and Llao Llao

During the past Monday, the husband was having a prolonged rest and was off from work. My mum-in-law asked if my boys wanted to go over to her place to play with their cousins though they usually don't go over on Mondays. I knew my sons love their cousins so I sent them over.

After sending them, the husband and I took time to clean up the house and finished all the interrupted chores. It has been difficult to clean the house with the children around because my youngest prefers to line his toys up and he forbids all of us from touching them. Sometimes it can be the caps of markers and his ocean balls. Only when he is away, I could keep all these away.

We finished all the laundry and folded all the clean laundry too. That was really an accomplishment. Though, by now, there is already a new mountain pile to be folded again.

We cleaned the kitchen together with soap and washed all the kitchen cloths! Whoa this is a very good therapy for me when I can have the time to do it and someone to help me. So I appreciate the husband's involvement and participation that day.

Before fetching the boys, we went for dinner at a mall nearby though we had no clue what to eat. At first we were thinking to go further but we were quite tired from the cleaning and also from work so we decided to just go easy and simple.

We walked around for a while and ended up in Burger King. It was sooooo deserted that when we walked in, we were the second table. Soon after, another patron left and it was just us. However the staff started blasting some songs that I could not enjoy.

Usually we would eat food our children don't prefer on our rare dates but this round we went for Burger King because the husband wanted to try their new Black Pepper Mayo burger which was actually a surprise bomb! It was very delicious and flavourful. Impressive for me.

I always go for my usual Mushroom Swiss Burger but the husband found a deal to get another burger along for RM15! It was satisfying for me and I shared half of the 2nd burger with the husband.

Last but not least, I wanted my yogurt ice-cream so we went to Llao Llao and got their small cup with one free topping. I always chose the caramelized biscoff sauce, no doubt.

Then I accompanied the husband to pick up some t-shirts before we went to the supermarket to get some groceries.

Finally we got the boys and went home. The next day was a new hustling day again! BUT I WENT HOME A HAPPY ME!

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