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Hi hi lovers of good food I am here again to give you nice tips on how to prepare one of Nigeria's most eaten snacks, Especailly in the southern part of Nigeria. follow me as I take You down that lane😊😊

So In Nigeria we have different things we use cassava for. That is to say cassava could be processed into different things, snacks or food. Some of which are cassava flour, Abacha(African salad), Fufu, garri(Cassava flakes), ototo, Tapioca etc.

So today I will showing us how to make a simple snacks. This snack is mostly used by the Igbos, Efiks, some Yorubas and other culture, it's called Tapioca.



First of all you harvest the cassava from the farm, or you Could buy it from the market.
Peel it(that's remove the hard back) and it will reveal the white part which is the main casava itself.


After that wash the cassava thoroughly and then cut it into small pieces, put it in the pot and add a reasonable amount of water to it and then heat it. When it has boiled, you then open the pot use a fork to check if it's soft enough if yes you put the pot down and seive the water out.



After seivving the water out, you turn the cassava into a rubber or any container of your choice and add cold water then keep it over night. One would wonder why it's allowed to stay over night, now here is it, the cassava is said to have acidic content so eating it that same day will be disastrous so to be on the safe side, it is kept over night to reduce the acidic content in it.


Now the next day you get your cutter, tray ana knife and shred it to your desirable size just as I did bellow πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡





After that You rinse the already sliced cassava known as tapioca then allow it inside the container with water inside of it.
Each time You desire to eat it You go to your container and pick the quantity you want then eat it.(You could spread a pinch of salt on it to give it another taste entirely or you could as well eat it like that).


One good thing about this snacks is that it could be eaten with groundnut or coconut 😊😊😊.





PS:- The water should be changed every morning and a new water should be added least the tapioca could get spoilt, if not properly taken care of.

I guess the recipe is simple enough, please try it given me a feed back.

I remain


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Much love πŸ˜˜πŸ’•