'Flying around' and landing on this gem


I had a whole Sunday to spend with my girlfriend after a very special day (which will be for another post). We initially planned on going for a picnic date, but the weather that day was not ideal for being outdoors. The sky was dark and it looked like it was going to rain any minute. Instead, we decided to attend a worship gathering at a local mall and spend time together at a coffee shop before attending Sunday mass.

At the mall, my girlfriend suggested we go to UCC Cafe Terrace. It's a restaurant in Ayala Center Cebu. We arrived there and the staff greeted us in Japanse. We sat down and looked at their menu. We wanted to have desserts and drinks since we'd already had our brunch. But then my girlfriend suddenly remembered that there was also a UCC at a nearby strip mall.

So we went out of Ayala and headed to Bonifacio District. We went inside another UCC and the staff also greeted us in Japanse. We sat down and looked at the same menu. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the things we wanted on their menu. We looked at each other and decided to step outside and looked for another place.

We passed by other restaurants and shops, and we almost succumbed to the temptation of Indian food. We continued walking until we saw this beautiful place called dragonfly cafe. The place was warmly lit, and the colors inside were all nude and white. It was classy and aesthetically pleasing.

We looked at their menu and were glad to see that they had milk substitutes and frappes. I ordered a cafe mocha with almond milk and my girlfriend got a cookies and cream frappe. We also had an egg tart and a chocolate cookie.

Their coffee was okay, and my girlfriend said she was not impressed with the frappe. The cookie was very sweet but the egg tart was really good. The pastry was nice and flaky, and the middle was soft and smooth.

We spent our entire afternoon at that lovely coffee shop, and it felt good to be able to spend some quality time with my girlfriend again. We've been both so busy at the start of the year. We've been both 'flying around' our different responsibilities, and it makes me even more grateful for the time when we can both 'land' at special places with just the two of us.

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