Strogonoff with Vegetables |EN/ES|


Strogonoff is a tender beef meat cut into stripes and prepared with mushrooms and a special sauce with potatoes. In this plate I only used The meat and prepared it with vegetables.

Strogonoff es una carne tierna de ternera cortada en tiras y preparada con champiñones y una salsa especial con patatas. En este plato solo usé la carne y la preparé con verduras.

At some places it is easy to find Strogonoff already cute into stripes for these recipes, so I bought one for those directly. I started cooking all the stripes in a pan with a little bit of water.

En algunos lugares es fácil encontrar que Strogonoff ya tiene rayas para estas recetas, así que compré una para esas directamente. Comencé a cocinar todas las rayas en una sartén con un poco de agua.


For this type of meat, I love adding cumin to it. I believe it goes really well with meat in general but specially the beef kind. I took some cunning and ground it in the mortar before adding it to the pan.

For this type of meat, I love adding cumin to it. I believe it goes really well with meat in general but specially the beef kind. I took some cunning and ground it in the mortar before adding it to the pan.


As for the vegetables to add, I placed carrots, zucchini, and green beans. Since those are harder ingredients they need to be added first. I cut all of them in stripes/sticks to match the meat shape.

En cuanto a las verduras para agregar, coloqué zanahorias, calabacines y judías verdes. Dado que esos son ingredientes más duros, primero deben agregarse. Los corté todos en tiras/palitos para que coincida con la forma de la carne.


Minutes after, I added spinach, chard leaves and stems, and bell pepper. Then, I seasoned with salt and a little bit of soy sauce.

Minutos después, agregué espinacas, hojas y tallos de acelgas y pimiento morrón. Luego, lo sazoné con sal y un poco de salsa de soja.


I served this preparation with rice flavored with curry and chili, and some fried bananas. It's lovely to see many colors in one plate, and the flavors were diverse as well.

Serví esta preparación con arroz aromatizado con curry y chile, y unos plátanos fritos. Es encantador ver muchos colores en un plato, y los sabores también fueron diversos.

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