My first time trying Popeye's Surf & Turf

At lunchtime, I felt tired of the same type of food that I've been eating in the past few weeks so I had something different.

I went to the Kallang Stadium area to try Popeye's Surf & Turf Combo!

Whenever I hear surf-and-turf, the proteins that come to my mind are prawn & beef. I would never thought of chicken and fish be representing the surf-and-turf. Taking a popular food slogan and then putting your spin on it is what I can say is a clever marketing strategy. I guess that's the reason why I was encouraged to order this item. It's actually very good!

I didn't regret ordering this item. I like the combination of white fish and the Popeye's chicken. It was freshly cooked so there's nothing for me to complain about. It's steaming hot which means the skin is crunchy while the meat is tender & juicy.

The meal has choices between several types of drinks and a choice of different carbohydrates. I chose the Cajun rice!

The rice itself is already tasty & flavorsome. I actually can finish the entire bowl of rice even without the proteins. It's the flavor that gives this rice an aromatic flavor, I guess that it's the cajun seasoning that made it happen.

The food is freshly cooked in this branch and that's one thing that I like about a place to eat. There is also a calm vibe in this place. It's a good spot to enjoy fast-food meal.

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My journey to the world of food.


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