Low-Budget Carbonara Noodles | Simple Recipe

Hey, hey, hey... everyone! How're u doing? I hope y'all fine and happy as always.

Today, i'm gonna show u a recipe... again. Haha. I know cooking isn't my main hobby, but i really enjoyed it. I often cook and sometimes i try to make some new dishes.

Okay, so... Let's make carbonara! Uh oh, what if we don't have any spaghetti? Don't worry guys, cuz i've replaced it with noodles. Kinda similar, right?
And u know what, after i read some recipes on the internet, there are a lot of ingredients to make carbonara, and the procedures are also kinda difficult to me. Then i simplified the recipe so that i can make carbonara with minimal ingredients, but doesn't change the original taste alot. I didn't fail at all, even though this is my first time cooking carbonara. We just need the ingredients we have at home. And here's the recipe :


  • A pack of instant noodles
  • A glass of milk
  • 2 garlic
  • 2 tbsp of corned beef
  • 30 grams of cheddar cheese
  • Celery (additional)
  • 2 tbsp of cooking oil
  • Water for boil the noodles


First, put the noodles in a pan with boiled water. Boil for one and a half minutes.

While boiling, chop the garlic into very small pieces.

Do the same thing for celery.

Then grate the cheddar cheese.

After that, when the noodles are half-ripe, drain and put them in a bowl.

Then, heat the cooking oil in a frying pan.

Stir fry the garlic and corned beef.

Then add milk and stir well.

Keep stirring until it boils.

Add the grated cheese.

Stir until the cheese melts.

Then add half of the instant noodle seasoning.

After that, add the noodles.

Stir gently until they're well-mixed.

Almost done! Put the carbonara noodles into a bowl.

Sprinkle with chopped celery. And finally, the homemade carbonara noodles is ready to serve!

Ooh... The taste is so delicious like carbonara spaghetti.

Enjoy, and good luck trying the recipe!

Alright guys, that was all about my carbonara noodles recipe. Hope u like it. I'm so sorry if i made some mistakes in this post. Thanks alot for ur visit!

See ya soon!

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