Choco-Cheese Fried Brumplings | Simple Recipe

Hey what's up? I hope u all very well and healthy.
Do u have a lot of bread slices? And r u bored if u just make sandwiches or eat them with jam everyday? Don't worry, cuz i have the different and unique bread recipe for u. :D
Yep, i've made the Fried Brumplings! Wait, hol' up... what did i just say? Oh, i see. The weird name again for the food i made. Lmao.
Well, "Brumplings" is the name i made up for this food. It's just combined from "bread" and "dumplings". I know, it's not like dumplings at all. But i just need that name. Haha.

Well, this is so simple and easy to make. Believe it or not, i made it even this is the first time i made the brumplings, without any trials or experiments before. And i didn't fail at all! So i think u can try it at home too.
Okay, i gotta show u the recipe now. Let's go!


  • 6 slices of bread
  • 40 grams of Cheddar cheese
  • 40 grams of Chocolate sprinkles
  • Cooking oil for deep-frying


First, let's take a bread to the plate.

Put a little chocolate sprinkles in the middle of bread. About a teaspoon or less.

Then let's grate the cheddar cheese.

After that, put a little of grated cheese in the middle of bread.

Prepare a cup or glass for cutting.

Fold the bread into a half.

Cut it into a half-circle using the cup. Make sure the fillets don't outta the bread.

Then it looks like this. U can also press the edge with ur finger if u want.

Do the exact same things for the rest of bread slices.

After that, heat the cooking oil in a frying pan.

Fry the brumplings just for some seconds, until golden brown. flip them until they're perfectly cooked.

Then put the fried brumplings on a plate.

And finally, the Choco-Cheese Fried Brumplings are done! It's so easy, right?

Ooh... It's so crunchy!

Alright guys, that's all the recipe for today. U can also try the recipe at home. And thanks a bunch for ur visit!

See u next time!

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