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The most πŸ˜‹ succulent πŸ” burger I have ever did!

Hollllyyy Mother!

This was one of the most succulent burgers I have done... A mix between a dish I have tried on M3 in Portugal and a burger. Specially done for Mother's day... my wife deserves it! And I πŸ˜‰

Oviously started with... πŸ₯©

Hand seasoned meat patty, with some bacon... Then use the fat from that cook into turning some garlic and onion into a caramelized point, joined by mushrooms, until they get soft enough. Then raise the fire and join some white wine, leave it for a couple of minutes for it to be absorbed, and then join some cream. Season at your taste and let it reduce for a bit.

Sideways, while the reduction happens, use another pan to fry an egg. Then build your burger!

Mine was...

First the bun, then the bacon, then a bit of the mushrooms sauce (with some mushrooms, but not many), then the meat patty, then the rest of the mushrooms and sauce, then the fried egg. Then add the top bun sideways... for the photo!

Once photos are done... squish on the top of that egg... and...

Get dreaming about flavors!

Showing that de-construction...

More saliva going through...

That's it, your turn... it's going to be gone!

And looks like that's it πŸ‘Œ

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(credit @doze) πŸ‘†β„ΉοΈ

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