Crunchy Raw Health Salad: Easy Recipe and Cheap Eating


Health bowls are overpriced and that is a hill I am willing to die on. It is basically raw vegetables mixed with a little bit of sauce.


Recently, I had one of these health bowls and it inspired me to make my own version of it. I set out the challenge to buy ingredients for less than the restaurant's price. I paid R150.00 or $8.50 for both my own health bowl and the one at the restaurant. But my health bowl contained (i) more variety of ingredients and (ii) it was about three times as large. But this did not come as a surprise.

In any case, this specific health bowl is a stunner and one that really tastes amazing. For something as healthy as this the taste was beyond this world.

Raw, crunchy, and healthy, this is one of those very simple and easy recipes that make for a stunning lunch or even dinner.

So please follow me as I make this easy recipe and show you my sauce. One can make this even more complicated, but for this one, I kept it really simple.


I used some of the cheapest ingredients I could find that you can eat raw. I ended up using:

  • 1 onion quick pickled,
  • 2 slices of butternut,
  • about 100g snap peas,
  • about 100g green beans,
  • 1 head of broccoli,
  • 1 lemon's juice,
  • lemon rind,
  • 1 avocado,
  • a quarter of a cucumber,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 red pepper, and
  • a mix of sprouted grains/seeds (about 100g).


These fresh ingredients are available in my country and in my stores, but you can easily swap any of these for your local vegetables and fruits. The amount in the recipe will yield about four medium portions of salad.



Again, like all of my recipes, the first step is by cutting everything into smaller pieces.


The goal is to cut everything into spoon or bite-size portions. Eventually, you will end up as I did with a plate or chopping board full of small pieces of vegetables and fruit.


In two separate bowls, I added the lemon juice, lemon rind, and garlic, and then the quick pickled onions. Quick pickled onions are easy to make. Slice them thinly, add some lemon juice, sugar, and vinegar. Leave them to soak for 10 minutes.

For the sauce, I started with the lemon juice, lemon rind, and garlic.


I then added some mayonnaise, smoked paprika, and some of the juice of the quick pickled onions.



Then it is basically mixing mixing and mixing! I added everything to a big bowl and mixed it well.


The key is to add very little of the sauce, just enough to cover the veggies and fruits.


Finishing Touches

To finish the salad, I added two ingredients that take it to the next level. I added sesame oil and soya sauce.


I placed everything neatly on a plate and drizzled a few drops of sesame oil and soya sauce on it. I finished it with some sesame seeds as well.


This salad is really next-level delicious and it is so easy to make. I made some for @urban.scout.


But she preferred digging into the bowl. She did not like the small plating. We took two spoons and dug into it.


And that is how easy it is! Mix everything together and feast. It does not matter how you present it, what matters is how much you will enjoy it! So make this for yourself and taste this with me.

For now, happy cooking and stay healthy!

All of the photographs are my own taken with my iPhone. The musings are also my own. The recipe is my own creation based on something similar I had at a restaurant.

Edit: Recipe amounts.

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